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help me find a decent garage

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  • help me find a decent garage

    Im looking for a decent garage to firstly give me a proper diagnosis of what is wrong with my surf ( everyone and I mean everyone is saying they think its the head but as yet its not been checked by a mechanic) then the chances are it might need a new head fitting afterwards.
    What I need is a garage either in the Croydon/Surrey area that is trustworthy or one in the north around Chesterfield/derbyshire area.
    I have looked on the search facility and have so far found nothing matchng what I want.
    I hear there is a garage in Claycross in derbyshire that specialises in jap imports but dont know what its called and the local garage ive used before down here has moved across town and left no notice of exactly where theyve moved to ( i know its local but thats still like finding a needle in a haystack)

    any recommendations would be very much appreciated.

    she's no angel

  • #2
    Originally posted by Toyney
    Im looking for a decent garage to firstly give me a proper diagnosis of what is wrong with my surf ( everyone and I mean everyone is saying they think its the head but as yet its not been checked by a mechanic) then the chances are it might need a new head fitting afterwards.
    What I need is a garage either in the Croydon/Surrey area that is trustworthy or one in the north around Chesterfield/derbyshire area.
    I have looked on the search facility and have so far found nothing matchng what I want.
    I hear there is a garage in Claycross in derbyshire that specialises in jap imports but dont know what its called and the local garage ive used before down here has moved across town and left no notice of exactly where theyve moved to ( i know its local but thats still like finding a needle in a haystack)

    any recommendations would be very much appreciated.

    Can Tony and Linda fit you in ?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      I dont know, where are they based?
      she's no angel


      • #4
        Originally posted by Toyney
        I dont know, where are they based?
        Basingstoke - just down M3 - give Tony a call on 07709 839891.




        • #5
          the problem with basingstoke is t hats its completely in the opposite direction of anywhere i can easily get back from. i originally got the surf from a place in camberley and its been back there a few times and its a complete pain in the chuff getting to and from that place by public transport or pushbike was one method i reverted to one time and i dont fancy a repeat of that. Basingstoke may as well be scotland or wales for the amount of effort it takes to get there, or more precisely to get back from!
          my surf is capable of travelling maybe 30 mins before it needs the water re filling so ideally somewhere near to croydon would be better to have it checked, or if someone has a car transporter or a decent tow rig then i will take it anywhere within reason.
          Im heading up north to chesterfield this week for a funeral so i was considering limping up there thursday night to drop it off somewhere on friday or saturday, stopping every 30 mins on an average 3.5 hour journey to top up with water is going to be a real pain ( i could call the rac if i get proper stuck)

          i dont know what to do really. the garage i bought the surf from spoke to me this week and told me to take it to a specialist garage for a professional opinion before arranging repair.
          initially all i need is a confirmation of what we all suspect is wrong with it, then it needs to go off for the full works. ( at which point i dont mind sending it to tony/linda or steveo or who ever can do a good job for me)
          she's no angel


          • #6
            not too sure but they have collected sometimes with a car transporter, otherwise there was a recovery guy mentioned on here before or if you know someone who can tow it I have a trailer that will take it to rent.
            I suggest you bell Tony to see how much it would cost, also Id really avoid driving it if you can just incase you damage it further.
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #7
              We're sorted! I'm ripping into it next week!

              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #8
                Originally posted by TonyN
                We're sorted! I'm ripping into it next week!

                Technical term You never said that when you touched my truck!
                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                • #9
                  I fear the good Dr Anglegrinder may once again weild his trusty cutting blade!
                  Fear not his work is great, and he knows the trucks very well, your baby will be in safe hands.
                  Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                  • #10
                    after i spoke to tony i called the garage up who sold it to me originally and told them where i ts going enxt week since its close to them in camberley.
                    the fella, steve, asked me if i had been told how much it would cost to put right and i said yes about £1200 ish all in. and there was the familiar sharp intake of breath.
                    hes saying hes not really willing to stump up all the money to repair it and asked if i would be willing to put money towards it... er, hang on, why should i do that? it was faulty when i bought it, so then he said he might have to "buy" it back off me....
                    so i said well its a good car apart from this one problem, ive got to know it and its foibles and would prefer to keep the same car rather than start again with another unknown.
                    anyway, its still planned to go to tony at this moment in time to have its head ripped of and gawped at. theres probably a bit of pointing and head shaking to follow that... then i have the challenge of either getting all my money back from the garage and buying another surf ( i think i would hold out for a 3ltr next time) or hopefully get this current one done up good and proper.

                    watch this space
                    she's no angel


                    • #11
                      After TONY has had his hands on it It will be like brand new! At least the garage is willing to put some money in the pot as many owners have had lots of problems with DODGY DEALERS.
                      (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        The garage guy called me yesterday, had a chat to him about 2.4 Surfs and what to expect, he sounded OK (for someone who's gotta pay out just over £1K soon!!!) tried to get a little discount (wow, it felt wierd have a car dealer on the phone haggling to get money off, instead of the other way round! hehe, the Power!!! )

                        Anyway he seemed reasonably happy even after me saying no, and left saying he'd get Jayne to get the car down to me and have the head off and check it out, which we'd already decided to do anyway!

                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #13
                          this is what keeps throwing me, im expecting to have to put up a fight, to argue and threaten legal procedings, but every time theres been a problem the man from the garage has been quite helpful. maybe its because i sold him a really good car as part ex and he made a tidy profit on that.... Im not sure.
                          she's no angel

