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Its ffffreeeezing....

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  • Its ffffreeeezing....

    its ffrreeeezing and 9pm but I'm outside tryin to get the centre dashboard back in after a radio job. NO smilie could reflect this face!!!! How the fluck do you get the left hand side back on does it tuck in behind the glove box or screw up against it and should the glove box be removed or what. Damn Toyota you shower of b'stards

  • #2
    I could tell you, but you won't find it as satifying as doing it yourself. Plus this isn't the technical forum.

    (pssst, I'd take the glovebox holder panel out, its only a couple of screws, it goes over the top of the center bit lip on that edge.)

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      if i remember correctly the glove box goes in last, if thats any help, you've probably done it by now or thrown in the bin in temper.

      [center][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=7][color=magenta][u][b][img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipgrl12.gif[/img][/b][/u][/color][/size] [img]http://www.gifs.net/animate/hipmn1.gif[/img][/font][/center][center][img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jim_ashton/shyAV5.jpg[/img][/center][center][b][color=#ff00ff][size=7][u]E[/u][/size][u][size=5]ms [/size][size=5]&[/size][size=7] J[/size][size=5]im[/size][/u][/color][/b][/center]


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        I could tell you, but you won't find it as satifying as doing it yourself. Plus this isn't the technical forum.

        Tony you rotton g*t. Thats taking the Herts Mafia Tuff Guy image too far. Made me laugh though ....................sorry Jim.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Codlord your sites a real gem but you missed the crucial bit bout taking the glovebox off. Jim, thanks I gave up at 9.30pm and will try that.
          Smartarse I knew you had the answer in that head of yours and would have put it in the technical section but I reckoned you only hang out round the jokes and general forum nowadays (but I appreciate the tip)

