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new 3rd gen

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  • new 3rd gen

    Hi Guys
    Been a long time since i have been in the forum (a lot seems to have changed since then) for the last 3 years i have owned a 1990 2.4 ssr ltd which i have used every day for work (marquee hire) towing 12 and 16 ft trailers with no problems at all. but i am now putting her up for retirement and i have just brought a 1996 3ltr 3rd gen (be picking it up in a weeks time ) are there any problems to look out for with this model ?. I put the last 3 yrs of trouble free motoring down the the advise from you guys (flushing the rad etc) so any advice would be great.
    Also wheres the best place to pick up some heavy duty rear coils ? my 2.4 has them (kindly collected for me by Tony n a couple of years ago) and i would like to fit the same to the 3rd gen.

    Cheers guys n gals


  • #2
    Have a look here....

