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top gear

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  • top gear

    do not know if any of you have seen the sunday papers but on top gear tonight they are trying to destroy a toyota hilux crashed it dropped it off a crane left it in the sea set fire to it etc needless to say it survived...... but we all knew it would.. did'nt we ?

  • #2
    OOOOH ,, the nasty peeps that they are

    Wonder what it will be like for them to be dissapointed



    • #3
      they mentioned it at the end of last weeks show and seemed quite impressed at what they had done to it. (and sounds like it survived better than expected.)

      If they slate the Hilux we will all have to email the show tonight and let them know how wrong they are.....



      • #4
        what time is it on and what channel??



        • #5
          So that's where Colins truck really came from!
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Linda
            what time is it on and what channel??
            8pm on beeb 2
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #7
              just got it off the web site


              I will send them a link to the forum now and see if we can get a mention..



              • #8
                well I sent them an email and mentioned a recent show where Mr Clarkson got his cruiser bogged. Hope that provokes a mention. Did the email address I posted come out?

                It didn't on my view so here goes again.



                Edit to gey the address to show. This time with spaces added each side of @ to stop it converting

                top.gear @ bbc.co.uk
                Last edited by Phil H; 23 November 2003, 16:19.


                • #9
                  Here is the link for the Top Gear website :


                  Just to make it clear it is a Toyota Hilux pick up they are gonna try and wreck,and not our beloved Surf.
                  Last edited by RobD; 23 November 2003, 19:27.
                  Powered by ????


                  • #10
                    Top gear is sh**e any way, they are obssessed in trying out cars that are beyond the average persons reach. New BMW 5 series etc They should come down to earth a bit and review cars that people may actually be thinking of buying instead of thrashing a car round a track then talking about it for 20 mins ! Shows like Nob Gear instill and increase the fetish we have in this country for new cars, If you look at other countries they buy cars that they like and run em till they die, Who gives a sh*t if the cars 10 years old ? Mine is and it will still be here in another 10 years !!!

                    Soapbox Andy.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Andy W
                      Top gear is sh**e any way, they are obssessed in trying out cars that are beyond the average persons reach. New BMW 5 series etc They should come down to earth a bit and review cars that people may actually be thinking of buying instead of thrashing a car round a track then talking about it for 20 mins ! Shows like Nob Gear instill and increase the fetish we have in this country for new cars, If you look at other countries they buy cars that they like and run em till they die, Who gives a sh*t if the cars 10 years old ? Mine is and it will still be here in another 10 years !!!

                      Soapbox Andy.

                      Like the Fiat Panda.... LOL



                      • #12
                        "Just to make it clear it is a Toyota Hilux pick up they are gonna try and wreck,and not our beloved Surf."

                        It's also a 1989 model with a non-electronic engine. A Surf the same age would hold up just as well but indestructability and lightning-quick repairs ceased to be factory-fitted options around this time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Elvz
                          but indestructability and lightning-quick repairs ceased to be factory-fitted options around this time.
                          bwahaha! true dat!
                          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                          • #14
                            I could be drummed out of Luton for watching Top Gear. They have Jeremy Clarkson dart boards and toilet paper in the Vauxhall and IBC plants.
                            Mike Dickin says JC can't drive for toffee........na na na na na
                            Hes still mildly amusing. After all, he did set light to Wales
                            It's only a hobby!


                            • #15
                              andy , how old was the 190 merc or the vw corrado on top gear t/nite???

