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It's infested

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  • It's infested

    Just come back from a weekend in Devon. Place is positively infested with surfs there. I had to keep pressing the alarm pinger so I could find mine in the carpark. Seriously in Teignmouth on Sunday afternoon there must have been at least 4 in the carpark I was in and I saw another 3 driving about, all in the space of 2 hours. I'm gonna have to get something else if this carries on, cant we try to keep ourselves an exclusive band of brothers & sisters.
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

  • #2
    Originally posted by TJG
    Just come back from a weekend in Devon. Place is positively infested with surfs there. I had to keep pressing the alarm pinger so I could find mine in the carpark. Seriously in Teignmouth on Sunday afternoon there must have been at least 4 in the carpark I was in and I saw another 3 driving about, all in the space of 2 hours. I'm gonna have to get something else if this carries on, cant we try to keep ourselves an exclusive band of brothers & sisters.
    There you go, all good stuff down here, blue 3.0L surfs. clotted cream, blue 3.0L surfs, beaches, blue 3.0L surfs, pasties, blue 3.0L surfs, cyder (or cider), blue 3.0L surfs, local brewed beer, blue 3.0L surfs, sunshine, blue 3.0L surfs, dartmoor, oh and did I mention. ....blue 3.0L surfs
    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


    • #3
      I saw loads when I was down in South Devon in August.
      The kids were playing "Spot the Surf", and scoring highly!

      PIcking it up on Friday...

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #4
        If you want to play count the Surfs...

        You should try a drive around Bristol. It is positively swarming with them. Every single day I see several on the way to work, plus there are always others in the B&Q car park, or Asda car park, or on the motorway, ring road...you name it and Surfs are there.

        I have seen them in the darkest of corners, even took a short cut up a garage lane round the back of the chemists...whats there? an immaculate black Surf with red & polished alloys. More people are tricking them up too. Seen a few jacked up, custom sprayed etc etc.

        I am now thinking about how to make mine unique, as I have long since lost that 'exclusive' feeling!!

        Rob G


        • #5
          Originally posted by wibblywobbly
          You should try a drive around Bristol. It is positively swarming with them. Every single day I see several on the way to work, plus there are always others in the B&Q car park, or Asda car park, or on the motorway, ring road...you name it and Surfs are there.

          I have seen them in the darkest of corners, even took a short cut up a garage lane round the back of the chemists...whats there? an immaculate black Surf with red & polished alloys. More people are tricking them up too. Seen a few jacked up, custom sprayed etc etc.

          I am now thinking about how to make mine unique, as I have long since lost that 'exclusive' feeling!!

          Rob G
          "there are always others in the B&Q car park, or Asda car park," Glad to see they are being used off road!
          Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


          • #6
            Originally posted by wibblywobbly
            You should try a drive around Bristol. It is positively swarming with them. Every single day I see several on the way to work, plus there are always others in the B&Q car park, or Asda car park, or on the motorway, ring road...you name it and Surfs are there.

            I have seen them in the darkest of corners, even took a short cut up a garage lane round the back of the chemists...whats there? an immaculate black Surf with red & polished alloys. More people are tricking them up too. Seen a few jacked up, custom sprayed etc etc.

            I am now thinking about how to make mine unique, as I have long since lost that 'exclusive' feeling!!

            Rob G

            When you drive over the bridge going North on the M5, look down at the car auction place. You will see about 40 Surfs outside, all waiting for their new owners. With that amount of imports coming in, you will be better off buying a Mondeo. there would be less of them around!!


            • #7
              Ummm, I've got a Mondeo!


              • #8
                are they any good off road?
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Mine looks good on the driveway.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    Ummm, I've got a Mondeo!

                    I was making the point that they are getting popular. Did I say anything against a Mondeo??


                    • #11

