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they took them the little s**ts

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  • #16
    Really sorry about that mate. I would be furious.

    Don't bother with the Police, they won't do bug**r all, they didn't put themselves out when my nan got beaten up in her own home by some crack head scum. When some hoody wearing w****r threw a house brick through my trucks (my artic at work) windscreen and nearly killed me, the yobs were under the A34 where a farm track went from one side of the road to the other. I called the Police and told them if they were quick they would catch them. 25, yes 25 minutes later they turned up. They only had to drive 2 miles to get to me.

    You need to find out who knicked them, wait until they are on their own with no one else around, and really teach them a lesson. It comes to something when you can't even leave your truck without having it keyed, stuff nicked off it.

    I'm getting an alarm fitted soon, going to get one with a proximity detector. Can't you wire it up to the mains when your not in it?

    You will have to keep an eye out for your spots, it must be someone local.


    • #17
      I'm really getting fed up of having to resort to violence or threatening behavior to protect what is mine or myself. Earlier in the week (OK it wasn't my property) a kid was riding down the road, quite innocently, on a nice shiny newish mountain bike. A hoodie came out of the shadows (or crawled out from under a pice of dog ****, more like) shoved the kid off it and rode away laughing. The kid, a young Asian lad, said he had never seen the punk before, so I dialled 999 because he was too scared to because he was scared of reprisals.

      We could hear the sirens approaching (yes they actually bothered) when the kid rode back, taking the ****. I grabbed his hoodie. He stopped. The bike kept going. It's rightful owner picked it up. The police arrived. The kid told 'em what I had done and they said thanks but sod off, we don't want to know who you are in case hoodie boy decides to press charges.
      A witness tried to tell them where hoodie boy lives but the police reckoned it was best not to persue it any further, "Because it could get messy with all sorts of allegations and counter allegations."
      It's only a hobby!


      • #18
        Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
        I'm really getting fed up of having to resort to violence or threatening behavior to protect what is mine or myself. Earlier in the week (OK it wasn't my property) a kid was riding down the road, quite innocently, on a nice shiny newish mountain bike. A hoodie came out of the shadows (or crawled out from under a pice of dog ****, more like) shoved the kid off it and rode away laughing. The kid, a young Asian lad, said he had never seen the punk before, so I dialled 999 because he was too scared to because he was scared of reprisals.

        We could hear the sirens approaching (yes they actually bothered) when the kid rode back, taking the ****. I grabbed his hoodie. He stopped. The bike kept going. It's rightful owner picked it up. The police arrived. The kid told 'em what I had done and they said thanks but sod off, we don't want to know who you are in case hoodie boy decides to press charges.
        A witness tried to tell them where hoodie boy lives but the police reckoned it was best not to persue it any further, "Because it could get messy with all sorts of allegations and counter allegations."

        Like I said mate, typical. Last night I was in my truck, loading up the CD auto changer in the back. A Police car comes round, I thought to myself, "ah, some one's been a naughty boy" as you never see them round here. Inside it there were FOUR, yes FOUR coppers. I thought there was going to be a raid. After the driver did a 20 point turn, to turn around (instead of driving into a car space to give himself some room) to leave the cul-de-sack, the car stopped. Two coppers got out and walked over to a builders van that belongs to one of the neighbours. They then crawled all over it with their torches and stuck something on the windscreen, got in the car and went on their merry way. I couldn't believe it. Hoody wearing louts all over the shop, and they are FOUR to a car, looking at some poor working mans van, looking for anything to do him on. What a waste of my council tax. I am seriously thinking of going into the cop shop and making a complaint. W*****S


        • #19
          . you mean like a set of these ...[IMG] i'd shoot the chuffing lil gits
          Originally posted by ohsupremebeing
          Just had to go get my truck off Jess my daughter. The little F***er have just riped off my roof spots, they did not even unbolt them just ripped them off no good to anyone now. Just great we r off to wales tomorrow, now the truck looks a sh*t. I would love to get my hands on the f***er. I know they would not walk again. They were the dead cheap spots to, only £15 for a set not worth climbing on the truck for. I am well pi**off now. So got a get it sorted before i pack the turck up for wales as if I dont have enough to do
          Attached Files
          if at first you dont succeed..... bollock


          • #20
            My old Pajero was in the station carpark, some thieving pikey removed the bull bar, spotlights, side-steps, sumpguard and the grille. Still they had CCTV cameras everywhere but sadly, they never caught a thing. The thieves must have had a van and they carefully removed everything, no other damage, it must have taken them 30-45 minutes at least but nothing. The repair bill was over £3,000 just for parts so the insurance company wrote it off. Still I got a Surf as my next target so CHEERS LADS! The Paj was just starting to cost me money having got well passed 100,000 miles. I now use the Wife's old Rav4 to go to the station & she has nicked the Surf, still Rav is easier to fit into parking spaces.
            Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!

