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Bread and Water

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  • Bread and Water

    Just like to ask anyone else if they are living on bread and water due to goverment extortion, namely the price of fuel?

    I'm faced with a tough choice. I can eat, but then wont be able to run my Surf. But as I need to work, to earn money to eat, I have to use my Surf to get to work. So to use my Surf means I can't afford to eat. So now I have a choice. Either eat or starve. Looks like I will starve, as my Surf is the only thing left this goverment hasn't got it's hands on.............YET

  • #2
    ...wouldn't it be cheaper to use your 106 for work?
    The right to bear arms...only slightly more ridicu


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chiko
      ...wouldn't it be cheaper to use your 106 for work?

      It would, but at the moment it's un-insured, as I transfered the no claims bonus over to my truck. So that would mean insuring it again. It does do 65mpg. But, what's the point in living if you can't enjoy yourself. If I don't use the Surf, then not much point in keeping it, as it's money just sitting there. I've wanted one for years, finally get one then the fuel goes through the roof. Only other option is to get a job up here, and push bike into work, then if I need to use my truck, it wont really matter as it would only be down the road to work.


      • #4
        Originally posted by M35A2
        But, what's the point in living if you can't enjoy yourself. If

        That's the problem, you can't enjoy yourself 'cos if it makes you happy, it's either taxed or it's illegal!


        • #5
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          That's the problem, you can't enjoy yourself 'cos if it makes you happy, it's either taxed or it's illegal!

          Your not wrong there mate. There was a time when you could drive all day in a vehicle that did 15mpg, have a great time and enjoy yourself. But now, just a trip down the shops costs you more money in fuel than the goods you buy.


          • #6
            I hear ya dude!
            I'm working from home in my own workshop so the truck does'nt get used as much, but I still won't go out unless I can fit in some other errands aswell to make it worth burning the fuel.

