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Fuel Price difference

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  • Fuel Price difference

    Please look at this site. It just shows you how we are fleeced to within an inch of our lives, then just when you think it couldn't get any worse, it does!!!!


    Oh and a point to note here is pay particular attention to the price difference between Petrol and Diesel!!

    And here is a quote from a treasury spokesman from the BBC's website.

    "More than half the fuel used in the UK bears little or no fuel duty at all... so seeking to address the problem of high oil prices through road fuel duty alone would do nothing for the majority of consumers."

    Of course, our MP's are fine upstanding members of the human race, and they never, ever lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by M35A2; 7 September 2005, 17:41.

  • #2
    just to add fuel to the fire (pun not really intended..)

    it costs 6p to produce 1 litre of 95ron petrol.
    The right to bear arms...only slightly more ridicu


    • #3
      Noticed the price at quite a few outlets?

      Any one also noticed that quite a few outlets have now levelled off the price for everything ie Unleaded, Super unleaded and derv are all 99.9p...

      Hmmm rip off or what!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chiko
        just to add fuel to the fire (pun not really intended..)

        it costs 6p to produce 1 litre of 95ron petrol.

        That will make me sleep better tonight...........


        • #5
          Originally posted by KeithP
          Any one also noticed that quite a few outlets have now levelled off the price for everything ie Unleaded, Super unleaded and derv are all 99.9p...

          Hmmm rip off or what!!

          I went past a garage on the A303 today, in between Andover and Stonehenge. They were charging £1.06 for petrol and £1.02 for Diesel. They were saying everyone has to up-date their price displays as they can't go further than 99.9. Well all this garage is doing is rounding it up, which is what it should be anyway as what's the .9 about anyway?? But £1.06, christ!!!


          • #6
            Just noiticed round ower way that some of the garages are changing there pumps as the price counters do not go past 99.9? What does this tell you that the price is going to go well over the £1 mark for a litre of derv + petrol
            The wheels on my Surf go round and round


            • #7
              Small haulier from my village was on local radio today saying that his fuel had gone up from £16000 a month to £18000 a monthwhere does he find that?... scotco aren't gonna pay it!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

