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  • Curiosity!!!

    Curiosity got the better of me the other day when I spotted a 2nd gen Surf parked with the bonnet up in Newcastle under Lyme. When I came past 15 mins later it was still there. I stopped and enquired to the prediciment and sure enough another Head woe. Turns out that this gentleman has had the misfortune of having to replace the head once already, 3 weeks ago to be specific, and had subsequently pulled off the road because the truck started emitting steam etc. When I spoke to him he told me what size it was, where he had purchased it from and how long he had had it. He stated that he has had numerous cars from this specific dealer and had been happy with the previous purchases.
    When I explained to him about the ongoing Head prob with th 2.4 he groaned and said that he was unaware and had he known he would have bought a 3.0.
    (Before any of you 2.4 owners jump up and down I did say it doesn't happen to all 2.4's!!)
    I know the dealer he mentioned and called in ages ago to have a mooch at his stock and ended up chattng to him about different things. I asked him what servicing was carried out prior to selling and he said, oil & filters. I asked if he flushed & changed the coolant and he looked at me as if I had gone mad. He told me he was importing a 4th Gen (on a P reg), I explained that a P reg would be a 3rd gen but he was adamant that a 'P' reg was a 4th gen. So not being one to argue I withdrew noting that I probably wouldn't buy a car from him!!!
    It's no wonder that people get problems when the dealers don't know squat!!!!

  • #2
    yep begining to think more and more dealers are cropping up on the make a quick buck scheme. Import the motors cheap don't know anything about them assume Mr Average who walks in his garage doesn't either make a sell, see you later job done.
    Do some research, ask a few questions, listen to the c**p they come out with and walk away.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

