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My New Truck

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sam
    Never enter into a debate about the colour of poo with a guy that just got back from a festival

    I will concede that blue is faster up hills but on a recent trip i must point out that orange overtook blue twice which puts it at least above grey and green.
    hey no argument over the also rans - orange can be a pretty colour....just look at oranges......fruit mmnnnnn OK ....but a motor???? he he
    glad to see all you out there have acepted the inevitable
    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


    • #32
      Originally posted by Chillitt
      as my dear old grandad used to say, you cant polish a t#rd...

      Strangely enough I went on the Ingleton waterfalls walk yesterday. One of the village shops is selling shiny dinosaur poo. Seems if you leave it long enough you can actually polish a t*rd.


      • #33
        Coming home from a night shift today followed a cracking Blue surf from Uxbridge to Oxford Reg **** JAR Have to admit it looked good.... When I get mine back I may have to visit Homebase for a 6" brush and a tin of Dulux....


        • #34
          Originally posted by fatfires
          bergandy....burgandy....ber... ..dark red is just not red besides who can spell it anyway
          Burgundy is great.

          Although, I would have have to concede, a good Merlot is far better

          I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


          • #35
            Thanks for the comments guys. It's nice to know I seem to have bought the best colour. Blue and yellow are my favorite colours (unless it's Military, then it has to be black and green). Mmm.... I was thinking I would like to have my Surf re-sprayed in the same colours as "MAD MAX's" car in the first film, with "INTERCEPTOR" in big letters, like Surf is on some of them. What you reckon??


            • #36
              Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
              Saw a nice white one on the M1 the other day. Wasn't as nice as my burgundy one.

              Nice truck by the way.
              my Burgundy one is wine over grey
              but i got a black one now
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #37
                Have you updated you profile?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                  Have you updated you profile?
                  have now thanks
                  Enjoying Life after Cancer


                  • #39
                    [I will concede that blue is faster up hills but on a recent trip i must point out that orange overtook blue twice which puts it at least above grey and green.[/QUOTE]
                    but my grey one has a secret weapon,whenever you floor the throttle it smokes so much that any one behind cant see infront to overtake anyway.

