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Veg Oil on TV....

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  • Veg Oil on TV....

    Any one see the news last night ? BBC1 had a feature on use of biodiesel and veg oil blending.

    apparently the Gov. have given the go aheqad for 5% blend production in the wake of rising oil prices and global warming - anyone know of a farm for sale ?

    found a link -

    Nili secundum desperandum

  • #2
    Is'nt it amazing that the public, (everyday road users) talk about and use veg oil and bio fuels for a few years and we don't / hardly ever, get any recognition for saving the planet, but when some of the government 'yes men' try it, it suddenly becomes the best idea since the invention of the wheel!


    • #3
      bush thats cos they are short sighted w@nkers and most normal people can see the bigger picture
      if a politition is talking its lying


      • #4
        and now, no doubt, they will hike tax on it....
        Landcruiser Colorado
        Sub. Forester


        • #5
          Originally posted by andycook
          and now, no doubt, they will hike tax on it....
          I suppose that vary much depends on our environmental campaigners. If enough ressure is put on the Govt. to reduce C02 then they might use veg oil as an incentive to switch fuels. Thus offering a tax levvy....and pigs might fly.
          Nili secundum desperandum

