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found my surfs sister!

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  • found my surfs sister!

    tootling about today, saw a surf, waved, got a way back!yay!
    then i got followed! yikes, i was only being friendly...
    she stops for a word turns out before the private plates went on her surf, it was one digit off my reg! what are the odds of that happening?(in a harry hill voice)
    coming to a forum near you soon..
    it's in me shed, mate.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Chillitt
    tootling about today, saw a surf, waved, got a way back!yay!
    then i got followed! yikes, i was only being friendly...
    she stops for a word turns out before the private plates went on her surf, it was one digit off my reg! what are the odds of that happening?(in a harry hill voice)
    coming to a forum near you soon..
    I've seen one (on this forum) that was 2 away from mine (XXX 698 & XXX 696). I guess they must registered en mass when imported.

