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advice please

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  • advice please

    sorry to bother you all but after looking at different 4x4 vehicles i think i've decided to opt for a surf, it seems to fulfill most of my requirements,i just need to know a few things,first i'll tell you my plans i've just sold my house and i am moving to france after first travelling around europe fishing for approximateley 2 years,is the surf up to the job?are spares and service parts available?would you advise taking spares along if so what? diesel consumption is it excessive?are roof bars available? a lot of questions i know but any advice would be greatly appreciated especially on what to look for when buying one,i think i'm going to opt for the 3.0.
    thanks for your time.
    Last edited by wandering mark; 16 August 2005, 20:39. Reason: ommited word

  • #2
    I have a 2nd gen 3ltr manual, fuel consumption 23-25 around town and 30 on a run.
    I use Paddy Hopkirk roof bars from Halfruads, they fit well, have carried an Avon 2.5m rib and 10hp mariner without complaint, spares very available in this country through Roughtracks and Milners to mention but two of the next day deliverers (It may be worth calling to see if they can post to France for a certanty?).
    The 3ltr is reputedly far easier to work on for access and elegance of design.
    In 35k I have had front wheelbearings, and rear anti roll bar mountings wear out (poss due to previous owner) also propshaft cv joints (due to a fool using a grease gun and my wheelspinning antics embarising local youth).
    Service spares easy to encounter and fit.

    Great vehicle, drives well effortlessly covers ground, and still practicaly un-breakable, but then I own two, and post on a site dedicated to them so my opinion is rather bias?

    Best of luck with your plans,

    All the best,
    Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


    • #3

      I agree with GTdog, the Surf is the best thing going. With a few alterations you can run it on veg oil, up to 100% in summer. I believe its cheaper in France also. Just got back from Milan and went all the way there on Veg oil. Going again end of month and this time hope to go there and back on veg oil.
      You won't regret buying a Surf.
      Join the happy smiley people!!!!
      Still Searching,
      Dick Whittington


      • #4
        ......and u can't go wrong if u get a blue 1
        lets go get dirty...


        • #5
          I agree with the above. I've a 3.0ltr Auto, slightly thirsty around town but an excellent drive and really relable
          Bring me the head of a treehugger


          • #6
            Parts should be available at any dealer. They just call it a 4Runner over here.
            And offcourse some minor things are different, like the steering etc.

