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I must have an honest face.....

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  • I must have an honest face.....

    Forgot this happened the other week.

    All the talk of veg oil, tax, dipping etc,

    I was in a BP garage last week, after picking Nicks truck up to do the head, so we have a wide body Surf on a 18' Trailer behind our Surf, with plenty of weight on the nose as it tows much stabiler, but looks a little overloaded.
    We're getting some diesel and a traffic cop car cruise's into the garage and parks next to us, they go in the McD's next door after sniffing round the petrol station checking tax disc's.
    Phew, I think, we pay for the diesel, then drive the back of the garage where it's quiet to toss some Veg in. (we're doing 1/2 tank of each)
    So we're happily emptying a 20lt can of Costco veg oil into the Bullet, when Mr Plod drives round and parks behind us!! "Oh-oh" thinks I, although we're legit for bio-diesel, its gonna be lots of hassle explaining it, plus 2 1/2 tons of Surf and trailer behind our Surf could give cause for comment.
    Guess what, they sat there munching on McD's, watching me finish filling the Bullet up with veg, toss the can in the boot and we drive off, with them not even getting out the car!
    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

  • #2
    if that had been me ,i would of been frisked at the scene asked a lot of stupid questions,then they would of propably gone through the trucks with a fine tooth comb,some people have all the luck.in fact thinking about it they were propably more interested in what toy they had with there childrens meals.


    • #3
      I thought there was going to be a big ending...
      Its probably thier McD's that stopped em.
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN
        Forgot this happened the other week.

        All the talk of veg oil, tax, dipping etc,

        I was in a BP garage last week, after picking Nicks truck up to do the head, so we have a wide body Surf on a 18' Trailer behind our Surf, with plenty of weight on the nose as it tows much stabiler, but looks a little overloaded.
        We're getting some diesel and a traffic cop car cruise's into the garage and parks next to us, they go in the McD's next door after sniffing round the petrol station checking tax disc's.
        Phew, I think, we pay for the diesel, then drive the back of the garage where it's quiet to toss some Veg in. (we're doing 1/2 tank of each)
        So we're happily emptying a 20lt can of Costco veg oil into the Bullet, when Mr Plod drives round and parks behind us!! "Oh-oh" thinks I, although we're legit for bio-diesel, its gonna be lots of hassle explaining it, plus 2 1/2 tons of Surf and trailer behind our Surf could give cause for comment.
        Guess what, they sat there munching on McD's, watching me finish filling the Bullet up with veg, toss the can in the boot and we drive off, with them not even getting out the car!
        think your user name should be lucky!!! think i would have been arressted locked up and made syphon all the oil out of my truck..... but then again only got my first speeding ticket last week had a clean licence for 12 years so its not all that bad realy speacily since i do about 1500 miles per week!!!!!
        CHEERS JOHN................


        • #5
          Originally posted by slim
          think your user name should be lucky!!! think i would have been arressted locked up and made syphon all the oil out of my truck..... but then again only got my first speeding ticket last week had a clean licence for 12 years so its not all that bad realy speacily since i do about 1500 miles per week!!!!!
          It wasn't that camera outside the ex Surf dealers at Kimberworth was it?.
          It got me a few weeks ago, first time in over 30 years driving, 37 mph (Yes I know, its still breaking the law!!!!)
          Laugh!!! I nearly bought my own beer.



          • #6
            I just wonder if the police couldn't be bothered with trying to arrest you for saving a bit of cash on expensive fuel. I know quite a few cops and they are quite mellow when it comes to that sort of thing.
            In fact, they would rather be off catching real criminals, there's less paperwork.

            As for speedcameras, they are truely the worst invention ever, I now drive past schools and through villages watching my speedo making sure I don't go above 30 and not paying enough attention to the kids, dogs, ducks and wobbly old ladies that are crowding the pavement ready to dive in front of my car at any moment.


            • #7
              rob, sounds like you know p.k.....
              it's in me shed, mate.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chillitt
                rob, sounds like you know p.k.....
                P.K..... What's that mean, should I be offended ?


                • #9
                  p.k. is one of the more relaxed coppers round leamington.. the mans a legend!
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #10
                    lenghths a man even plod will go for an I'M LOVIN IT
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by pops
                      lenghths a man even plod will go for an I'M LOVIN IT
                      Its less embarrasing than FINGER LICKIN GOOD
                      (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by marky
                        Its less embarrasing than FINGER LICKIN GOOD
                        but not burgler king hey
                        Enjoying Life after Cancer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pops
                          but not burgler king hey
                          YOU GOT IT
                          (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                          • #14
                            Tony was probably lucky it was the plod and not roving HMC&E or vehicle examiner guys. Then he probably would have got the third degree and they would probably stripped his truck down there and then and left him to put it back together.
                            Mike G


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by paulh
                              It wasn't that camera outside the ex Surf dealers at Kimberworth was it?.
                              It got me a few weeks ago, first time in over 30 years driving, 37 mph (Yes I know, its still breaking the law!!!!)
                              no it wasnt that one m8 although i do know of people that have had the misfortune to be caught by the said camera...i was caught by one in hull doing 51 mph in a 40 mph limit guttered.....
                              CHEERS JOHN................

