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EX103 and C&E reply

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  • #31
    The government are so full of s**t. They don't want people to chuck in their cars for buses and trains (although some peoples cars look like buses!). If everyone stopped gas guzzlin, stopped smoking and basically stopped doing anything they enjoy but get charged the earth for, the government wouldn't be able to exist. How would they make their money then?
    Ooooh it makes my blood boil! All I want to do is run my car on a fuel that is good for the environment, and all they want to do is stop me!
    You aint seen me, right


    • #32
      Does this all mean that the price of fish and chips is going to beyond the reach of the common man?


      • #33
        Crazy, Crazy

        Just got of off phone from a guy in Stirling, who i was helping fill his EX103. He has just been visited by Customs officer, even though he hadn't actually started using Veg oil. C&E guy told him that if car will start and run on 100% veg oil, without any additions to help it, he would only be charged 27.1p. The C&E guy is going to go back to see him and he must have a nearly empty tank and then fill it with 5ltrs veg oil. If starts and runs OK, then lower rate applies and doesn't matter if afterwords if he puts in diesel from pump. The guy also told him that the Government want to look green, but in truth want to put people of off using veg oil. He also said that if you have two tanks then he would apply the higher rate. The guy in Stirling will let me know what happens after C&E next visit.

        I am about to email Lord David Hunt about the veg oil situation. He was very interestedin the whole subject and suddenly i thought that i am sure there is a forum member out there, more eloquent than i, who could explain the situation re Mr Benz and USA and germany etc much better than i.
        Please email me any thoughts etc to fuelcat@btconnect.com and i can copy on to email to him.
        Thanks Philip
        Still Searching,
        Dick Whittington


        • #34
          Interesting news Philip.
          But I cant understand why he has to start it on veg to prove to officer, then officer said its OK if he adds diesel afterwards!

          i.e. once he has passed the "inital" 100% veg test, he can then use a mix of vegoil and diesel?? and still qualify for lower rate?

          but 2 tank system not allowed....

          and when he said "without any additions to help it" - is this chemical addition?
          i.e. would an electric heater be counted as an addition to help it.
          Landcruiser Colorado
          Sub. Forester


          • #35
            I could be wrong, but it appears that either C&E are making the rules up as they go along, or they have been given an agenda from above to clamp down on veg oil use irrespective of what the law says.

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #36

              That what the guy more or less said. They are trying to discourage the use of veg oil. Two tanks not allowed as is heaters. Saying that, maybe its Scotland.
              Still Searching,
              Dick Whittington


              • #37
                They've really got to be challenged on this. It seems so hit and miss.
                Philip, have you looked at the forum here http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/...ad.php?tid=291
                You might get some info for Lord David Hunt here.
                You aint seen me, right


                • #38
                  "Two tanks not allowed as is heaters."

                  but mixing with diesel is? after you have proved it will run on 100% veg oil?
                  Landcruiser Colorado
                  Sub. Forester


                  • #39
                    cutting our own throats?

                    Originally posted by Matt the Cat
                    They've really got to be challenged on this. It seems so hit and miss.
                    Philip, have you looked at the forum here http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/...ad.php?tid=291
                    You might get some info for Lord David Hunt here.
                    being cynical as I am and devils advocate for a while;
                    If we keep banging on about burning veg to all & sundry, C&Ex, politicians, etc are we not likely to end up with a whopping great tax on veg imposed darn quick to bring it into line with diesel with nobody giving a damn about the envirionment and this happening sooner rather than later. I may be synical but I think this is more likely than any other senario and due respect to you out there my friends but if and when it happens I would sugest that the crys from you will be even louder than those now.
                    Wish I had an answer, I dont, but I also believe that as soon as the government realise how much tax they are loosing, increaces will happen.
                    More users of veg = less tax for tony= financial pressure = more taxes
                    Catch 22 I think - bugg*red if you do bugg*red if you dont
                    perhaps the way forward might be softly softly catchee monkey
                    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                    • #40
                      I'd like to think that maybe pressure could be put the govt to bring us in to line with our european cousins ie. no tax on veg oil/biofuels.
                      You never know??? In an ideal world.........
                      You aint seen me, right


                      • #41
                        given the big stuff the government have ignored public opinion/pressure/common sense over what hope do we have of changing their minds on this?
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #42
                          You're probably right. It's just so annoying
                          You never know, I might get my letter back soon and be given the all clear.
                          The way it seems to be going now is a different answer for everyone.
                          You aint seen me, right


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Philip
                            C&E guy told him that if car will start and run on 100% veg oil, without any additions to help it, he would only be charged 27.1p. The C&E guy is going to go back to see him and he must have a nearly empty tank and then fill it with 5ltrs veg oil. If starts and runs OK, then lower rate applies . . . .
                            Wouldn't it be nice if this was the system, a hot engine, diesel in the pipes, filter, pump and a little in the tank it'll start on the button and run sweet.

