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Other way up ?

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  • Other way up ?

    Just thought I would share some pics of my SSRG when the Mrs got hold of it.. She walked away with a small scratch on her arm (and hand marks around her throat when I got to the scene).

    This is the result of driving into a bend at only 20mph in the rain. The back end jumped out on her due to a bad road surface, hitting a kerb then rolling her sideways through a wall..

    Ah well.. such is life.

    Roll on the next Surf!
    Attached Files
    -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-

  • #2
    oooow.that looks bad,just goes to show how strong these surfs really are.glad your missus wasnt to badly injured,HAVE THE FINGER PRINT MARKS GONE YET.


    • #3
      glad your misses is ok

      hope you never meant roll on the next surf literally


      • #4
        OUCH!!! Sorry 4 ur surf. glad ur misses was ok, it could hav been alot worse
        lets go get dirty...


        • #5
          How are you fixed for some spare parts?
          I like Orientals


          • #6
            As said glad she is OK and yes they are strong sunroof's still in tact.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              sure she wasn't trying to impress her mates in that car park?!!!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                Are those flames under the front of the surf in one of the piccys of the drivers side?

                Hope all works out for the best, and wish your wife well, she will probably be miserable knowing she hurt/killed your pride and joy!

                All the best,
                Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gtdog
                  Are those flames under the front of the surf in one of the piccys of the drivers side?

                  Hope all works out for the best, and wish your wife well, she will probably be miserable knowing she hurt/killed your pride and joy!

                  All the best,
                  hope your good lady didn't get too shaken up ... but why didn't you drive it home? that would have realy impressed everybody!
                  Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                  • #10
                    my misses knocked over one of my motorbikes,shes crashed two of my bmws she totaled a cavalier and killed an ascona (cavalier) she aint allowed to drive the surf ,shes got a company car ,let them worry about the insurance,hope all works out well though,and thats what insurance is for .


                    • #11
                      Thumb prints have now gone from around her neck. Now comes the hard task of suing the council as they have know about this road being bad for years. This is the 8th accident on this bend this year alone, but they put it down to speeding drivers.. I have spoken to the Highways dept and given them some ideas on how to change the road. The cheeky gits have asked me to submit plans to them as they had never thought of the idea I have had.

                      Anyhoo... if anyone knows of any good "G's" going for sale, would you be so kind as to drop me a message..

                      -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by max6674
                          Thumb prints have now gone from around her neck. Now comes the hard task of suing the council as they have know about this road being bad for years. This is the 8th accident on this bend this year alone, but they put it down to speeding drivers.. I have spoken to the Highways dept and given them some ideas on how to change the road. The cheeky gits have asked me to submit plans to them as they had never thought of the idea I have had.

                          Anyhoo... if anyone knows of any good "G's" going for sale, would you be so kind as to drop me a message..

                          There are some surfs for sale at West Coast Motor Auctions at Poulton nr Blackpool(01253 892488).These are for sale not auction. They look like fresh imports (need valet and still got stuff in them ) I asked price of a couple of them, they are around the £4ooo mark.


                          • #14
                            Seeing it on its back like that makes me want to tickle its belly.
                            Well, thats what I would do if mine was that way up!
                            Back in the world of Surfdom

