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give us a wave

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  • give us a wave

    On my way to work everynight or just driving about, i pass a lot of other surf drivers but knowone seems to let on, even though i let on to them and all seem to have one of them misarable faces on them. Whats the probs people smile and say hi. You might break down one of these days and i might not stop, so cheer up.

    Got that off my chest


  • #2
    mark its cos they are in 2.4s...
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      If you ever see one with Premier Sea .co.uk written all over it, and dont get a wave, call the telephone number on the side and berate the skipper driving it, or point it out on the forum, We always try to be friendly!
      Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        mark its cos they are in 2.4s...
        and whats wrong with 2.4s,i know what you mean though about surf drivers not waving.they obviously havnt been on this site.maybe we ought to drive round with big stickers down the side advertising this sight or have sun strips made so people know on approach.maybe we might get more people waving.


        • #5
          and i thought it was just southerners that don't wave, since i've had mine (about 4 months now) i've seen dozens locally and not one has waved back they just look in horror that i dared to wave at them in the first place. obviously this is a national problem that need sorting.
          I can ride two miles down the road on my motorbike and every bike i pass nods at me.
          What can be done???


          Born to be wild!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by mudhog
            i've seen dozens locally and not one has waved back they just look in horror that i dared to wave at them in the first place.
            Ditto! I'm starting to feel a bit silly for waving at all!

            Was never like this when i had my GTO, Beetle or 323F - come on people!


            • #7
              glad its not just me i drive aroung the newcastle area seen lots of surfs waved to most but people stare as if ive just abused them so if you see me in my green surf please wave or ill be sad


              • #8
                I dunno - In Liverpool you might get yer teeth knocked oot for waving at big hairy blokes....
                Nili secundum desperandum


                • #9
                  Originally posted by scouzzer1964
                  On my way to work everynight or just driving about, i pass a lot of other surf drivers but knowone seems to let on, even though i let on to them and all seem to have one of them misarable faces on them. Whats the probs people smile and say hi. You might break down one of these days and i might not stop, so cheer up.

                  Got that off my chest

                  keep an eye out for a blue SSRV from hollesley mark, I will be grinning !!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nkerridge
                    keep an eye out for a blue SSRV from hollesley mark, I will be grinning !!
                    Will do m8, thats a promise

