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GPS and women

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  • GPS and women

    The dragon has finally treated me to one - all I can say is whoo-hoo but it does makes the Surf burn more fuel cos I've been trying to trick it!

    After years of her saying no to me having one - after getting us home from a blocked road last night she turned around and said "should have had one ages ago!" - WOMEN!!!!!!!

  • #2
    You have to learn to trust it as sometimes it will take you the long way round.
    Just like a woman


    • #3
      Mine keeps trying to tempt me to use the emergency access on and off the M25. resist....resist..sit in jam.....buggerit, no ones looking.......
      Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


      • #4
        Mine currently doesn't have the new sections of the A1M, and its brilliant. She spends all her time trying to find a road to put me on. My passengers think I'm crazy cause I answer her back sometimes, but it's brilliant if she's annoying me I just turn the volume off.
        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maverick
          Mine currently doesn't have the new sections of the A1M, and its brilliant. She spends all her time trying to find a road to put me on. My passengers think I'm crazy cause I answer her back sometimes, but it's brilliant if she's annoying me I just turn the volume off.
          i've had sat nav on my works avensis for 3 years now and still waiting for someone to invent a version where the voice gets right arsey with you if don't follow the instructions......

          see ya'll


          • #6
            they did have one on test with full artificial intelligence, but there was a compatability problem with the female voice....
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              1. Just waiting for mine [with womens voice] to turn the map/handheld around to face the way I'm being directed

              2. Or just waiting for the voice to tell me its the junction as I reach it/pass it



              • #8
                Originally posted by Gizmo
                1. Just waiting for mine [with womens voice] to turn the map/handheld around to face the way I'm being directed

                2. Or just waiting for the voice to tell me its the junction as I reach it/pass it

                i've already got one of them........... the wife... (incoming.... heehee)
                and don't forget, it's down there......... i think...!!??

                gotta love 'em
                see ya'll

