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oil be back

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  • oil be back

    Just back from 3 day trip in car to Milan. 100% veg oil all the way there without any problems. I had not worked out fuel savings before, with the Fuel Cat unit which also heats fuel, either diesel or veg oil. The savings going on veg oil was 9% and on my return trip only using diesel, the saving was 10% and thats driving on motorways at between 80-90 miles per hour. The most i got before was 20 to gallon and now its 22. I am pretty fast driver, so quite pleased with the result. We left Milan at 5pm on Wednesday and after a stop of for app 1 hour today, to visit a new customer in France, we arrived back in London at about 5pm. Not many cars you could drive for 23 hours straight and still feel OK.
    Of to bed now as have to set up stand at Sandown, for stupid Mini show.
    TONY when can i have oil change etc please!!
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    I have a fuel cat fitted and I can definately state my consumption has improved. Have not tried it with the veggy oil though. Thought it might clog it up. Have not really looked at the price of veggy oil in France as the diesel is cheap. Wonder what the Gendarmes would do when they get a wiff of frying frites from the rear.

    Are you going to the Hound show at Stafford next week?

    Visit all the Surfin Elkhounds at [url="http://www.malenibo.co.uk/"]www.malenibo.co.uk[/url]


    • #3

      i have actually entered a couple of classes, thanks for reminding me, as totally forgot. Are you comming over? Just completed a trip to Milan and back. Veg oil all the way there and diesel all way back. Speak to Tony re unit which also heats fuel, as i without a doubt was getting 2mpg more and that was doing 80-90mph.
      Email me your address as i have new distributor in France about 40 kms from Paris, so will go over more often.
      Rgds Philip and hope all is well in France.
      Still Searching,
      Dick Whittington

