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Things to look out for?

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  • Things to look out for?

    Hello all, as I mentioned on an earlier post I pick up the truck on Saturday.
    Anyone got a list of things to check have been done correctly?

    Its been MOT'ed, registered, serviced including cam belt, got 5 good tyres, but are there any little things that someone taking posession of one of these for the first time should look out for? I read through alot on these forums so I have a little list. Just wondering if anyone else had more experience of this.


  • #2
    Have a read of this....


    If you have'nt already.


    • #3
      Many thanks for the info pointer Bushwacker, thats the sort of list that I would try to cover. But what I want to know is are there any things that people have only noticed a week..maybe a month or so later that they wished they had seen when they picked up the vehicle.



      • #4
        Originally posted by KeithP
        Many thanks for the info pointer Bushwacker, thats the sort of list that I would try to cover. But what I want to know is are there any things that people have only noticed a week..maybe a month or so later that they wished they had seen when they picked up the vehicle.

        Well in my limited experience....make sure no one's lowered it ok....
        3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT


        • #5
          Originally posted by KeithP
          Many thanks for the info pointer Bushwacker, thats the sort of list that I would try to cover. But what I want to know is are there any things that people have only noticed a week..maybe a month or so later that they wished they had seen when they picked up the vehicle.


          Oh yes, how fast the fuel gauge moves to the left!


          • #6
            and dont buy any ball bearings off e bay for it!
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #7
              And make sure your sense of humour is working when asking for advice.


              • #8
                don't let your wife use the forum... there's a sex pest about!... (it's not me though!)
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KeithP
                  But what I want to know is are there any things that people have only noticed a week..maybe a month or so later that they wished they had seen when they picked up the vehicle.
                  I've only had my surf about 3 weeks, but did have one problem with it.
                  A week after purchase I went off roading, therefore engaging the 4wd for the first time. Had a great day out but when I got back noticed oil leaking from the front diff.

                  I took it back to the garage who spotted the cause in no time and they ordered and fitted a new gasket (all covered by the warranty of course ).

                  Anyway, not sure if this is common or not, but that's the only issue I've had with mine.

                  Who knows if this could have been spotted before purchase, but if you get a warrenty you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
                  Last edited by Slate8; 28 July 2005, 14:38.


                  • #10
                    Warranties can be really picky... they can find an excuse for anything... afterall, who want's to pay out on an insurance??... well worth giving it a good read and check exactly what you're getting.
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                    • #11
                      beware of large grins too when you're driving it!

                      and girls, and dogs and look out for sheds - they damn strange places.

