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Pajero import question (yes I know itsa Surf forum!)

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  • Pajero import question (yes I know itsa Surf forum!)

    my mate has gone to the same imported that I bought my surf from and has purchased a 21996 2.8 SWB pajero V26. I have offered to help get it SVA and need to know what the max road speed and maximum engine power are for the SVA application. Can anyone help. I have searched the usual internet sites but can find the anser

    thanks in advancwe for any help

  • #2
    Originally posted by fergus
    my mate has gone to the same imported that I bought my surf from and has purchased a 21996 2.8 SWB pajero V26. I have offered to help get it SVA and need to know what the max road speed and maximum engine power are for the SVA application. Can anyone help. I have searched the usual internet sites but can find the anser

    thanks in advancwe for any help
    Wot ever they are they will be less then the Surf/4Runner
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


    • #3
      Try posting on here http://www.pocuk.com/forums Someone on might be able to help


      • #4
        Originally posted by fergus
        my mate has gone to the same imported that I bought my surf from and has purchased a 21996 2.8 SWB pajero V26. I have offered to help get it SVA and need to know what the max road speed and maximum engine power are for the SVA application. Can anyone help. I have searched the usual internet sites but can find the anser

        thanks in advancwe for any help
        it,s good to help the needy
        what we could do is put the info in the middle of a muddy field and smile at his attemps to get it lmao
        Last edited by kiowa; 27 July 2005, 17:38.
        I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


        • #5
          Originally posted by Debs (Tonka2)
          Try posting on here http://www.pocuk.com/forums Someone on might be able to help
          You only know that coz you got one! Flaming Paj owners!

          I'm joking shes allowed but only coz her old man got a surf! (Should of bought a 3rd gen tho Debs! Ps See you on Sat week, get the kettle on)
          I NEED TO OFFROAD!


          • #6
            0 mph and 0 bhp...
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Try here tho....http://www.mitsubishi-pajero.co.uk/
              Last edited by TAZMAN; 27 July 2005, 20:14.


              • #8
                Originally posted by fergus
                my mate has gone to the same imported that I bought my surf from and has purchased a 21996 2.8 SWB pajero V26. I have offered to help get it SVA and need to know what the max road speed and maximum engine power are for the SVA application. Can anyone help. I have searched the usual internet sites but can find the anser

                thanks in advancwe for any help
                what's the world coming to ? I read (only) this and other toyota fora about once a week for over two years. I had previously only repaired and maintained them for others It was only after I bid lots of dosh and got a toyota that I actually joined and posted. I believe in loyalty - there are any number of sites for wide selection of motors, where I am probably also a member. But its not the done thing on a one make site- really IMHO


                • #9
                  got to do what you can for a mate... hes got a lot to put up with.. its always the mate thats been to the clinic, bought the rubbish car, took something apart and cant fix it...
                  it's in me shed, mate.


                  • #10
                    Funny things mates, We all have mates that have done stupid things by our proxy, one day all these mates will meet up and lynch us

                    Best of luck with the Paj, will keep a tow rope handy for you. (sorry your mate)

                    All the best,
                    Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                    • #11
                      It could have been worse

                      Vauxhall F******a or Porsche Cayenne

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        Only marginaly worse though
                        Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                        • #13

                          There is NOTHING worse than THAT Porsche

                          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UDTrev

                            There is NOTHING worse than THAT Porsche

                            apart from the 'cheapo' vw version
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #15
                              Oops forgot one

                              The Korean beauty !!

                              Ladies & Gentlemen, I give to you the Hyundai Sante Fe

                              Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

