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Grease Virgin

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  • Grease Virgin

    I have been reading loads of threads about using Bio-Diesel and alternative fuels, and am very interested in using one in my 1993 2nd Gen 3.0 TD Surf.

    The problem I have is that I can't seem to find any feedback on which process is best or pro's and con's of each type.

    The method that most appeals to me is using a modified fuel where white spirit is used to thin the Waste Veg Oil as this means there is no need to make any mods to the car, and I don't have to be dealing with dangerous chemicals like Methanol to make true Bio-Diesel

    Does anyone use this method on a regular basis? Are there any drawbacks I should know about? Has anyone got a good recipe for use in the 3.0 TD?
    Does this type of fuel attract the higher C&E Tax rate?

    Any information will be gratefully received. You can contact me directly at: Intl_golf@yahoo.co.uk or just reply to this thread.

    The Future is Bright. the Future is Green
    Just Vegging Out