Originally posted by shelly
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Metro owners r friendlier!
I wave, but am sick of finding out its one of thos Ni$$an things that look like boy racer versions of the surf.
It even has the little vanity mirror on the N/S wing.
I assume that is put there to make trafic wardens look thin while they write the ticket!Back in the world of Surfdom
Originally posted by GtdogMetro drivers wave at each other as they are so releived to see someone else made as catastrophic cock up as they did, combined with disbeleif that another one still exists upon our fair roads.
Wots wrong wit metros? Fair enuff there nt th best lukin things in th world bt there quick. Mine was a 1.1 n i beat me mates 1.2 205 n 1.1 fiesta on th a1 n i got 115 oot of it cumin bak frm stanhope(tht was in me boyracer days anyway, iv settled doon since i turned 20), fair enuff it was shakin all owa th place n i thought it was gana explode bt it was stil gud crack.
Originally posted by KaneWots wrong wit metros? Fair enuff there nt th best lukin things in th world bt there quick. Mine was a 1.1 n i beat me mates 1.2 205 n 1.1 fiesta on th a1 n i got 115 oot of it cumin bak frm stanhope(tht was in me boyracer days anyway, iv settled doon since i turned 20), fair enuff it was shakin all owa th place n i thought it was gana explode bt it was stil gud crack.
Enjoying Life after Cancer
Originally posted by KaneWots wrong wit metros? Fair enuff there nt th best lukin things in th world bt there quick. Mine was a 1.1 n i beat me mates 1.2 205 n 1.1 fiesta on th a1 n i got 115 oot of it cumin bak frm stanhope(tht was in me boyracer days anyway, iv settled doon since i turned 20), fair enuff it was shakin all owa th place n i thought it was gana explode bt it was stil gud crack.
can anyone please translate these kevenisms for me? Nice to see that my taxes for education wasn't wastedDave
Well I wave at everyone that goes past in a Surf...
Had a few wave back, but nowehere near as many as Surfs that I have passed... Today, I nearly wet myself laughing, someone waved back with such enthusiasm, it caught me by surprise, in fact Jotto, you ought to be a little more careful, you nearly fell out of the drivers window...
What were you upto round my way...? and in a very nice shiny blue surf too,
does you good lady know? Or shouldn't I have mentioned that...