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Welcome to The Witch

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  • Welcome to The Witch

    Well Terrie you finally joined the flock after lurking over Pops chair for the last couple of years . Now you can have input without telling Pops what to type .
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

  • #2
    Has anyone warned Dunno ?

    Poor bugga is well and truly outnumbered now

    We are sure in for some fun posts now

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3

      We who are not worthy grovel in your precence and await the thrill of seeing you playing in the mud with your new 3ltr surf.........

      and can I have some more of that scrumsious choccy cake pleeease.
      If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


      • #4
        Originally posted by UDTrev
        Has anyone warned Dunno ?

        Poor bugga is well and truly outnumbered now

        We are sure in for some fun posts now

        Its dunno's fault
        well thats wot i gonna tell him
        as his computer is playing up and while checking his e-bay account terrie has signed up on the forum joined e-bay and paypal
        so DUNNO thanks
        and whats more terrie did not send any of your money to my paypal either
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          hi witch
          welcome to the forum my lover
          as you know there all BONKERS or MAD
          if not just bribe um with the
          chocolate FUDGE cake

          PS terrie love can i have my tea now
          been working all day you know
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vagrant No2
            Well Terrie you finally joined the flock after lurking over Pops chair for the last couple of years . Now you can have input without telling Pops what to type .
            now Rick
            How did you know that I bin sat behind Pops all this time?
            Could it be that Tam does the same to you


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Witch
              now Rick
              How did you know that I bin sat behind Pops all this time?
              Could it be that Tam does the same to you
              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by sumo
                WELCOME OH GREAT ONE

                We who are not worthy grovel in your precence and await the thrill of seeing you playing in the mud with your new 3ltr surf.........

                and can I have some more of that scrumsious choccy cake pleeease.
                goodness me Sumo
                you little sweet talker you,

                Are you sure you dont just want to see me and the other girls playing in the mud Rick

                Choccy cake will be on the menu next time we meet
                thats a promise.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UDTrev
                  Has anyone warned Dunno ?

                  Poor bugga is well and truly outnumbered now

                  We are sure in for some fun posts now

                  Dunno is a law unto himself Trev
                  Just you wait and see wot he bin up to
                  suffice it to say it IS BLACK AN 3L

                  hurry up and post the pics please Paul


                  • #10
                    i've seen,

                    Guess this means a Tennyson Trail run to Christen the black beasties

                    Wonder who is doing the collection run for him ???????

                    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your help today Terrie and it is really great to see you on ere in your own right!

                      All we need to do now is get you a motor as i felt so sorry for both you and Martin, Martin for having to go to work all day! ,and you for having to WALK to do the shopping.

                      Now I just had a thought POPS has a very nice red surf , You could have that!

                      I am sure every one else will think that a good idea!

                      As to me and the BLACK and 3L it will have to stay as a rumour at this present time (watch this space tho!)

                      Take care all

                      DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dunno
                        Thanks for your help today Terrie and it is really great to see you on ere in your own right!

                        All we need to do now is get you a motor as i felt so sorry for both you and Martin, Martin for having to go to work all day! ,and you for having to WALK to do the shopping.

                        Now I just had a thought POPS has a very nice red surf , You could have that!

                        I am sure every one else will think that a good idea!

                        As to me and the BLACK and 3L it will have to stay as a rumour at this present time (watch this space tho!)

                        Take care all

                        it maybe a good idea paul but one problem terrie chooses not to drive has no urge to drive and will not drive so shut it mate
                        and as for the rumour when
                        YOU GONNA COME CLEAN???? linda's gonna get well worried now black must be this years wine or battleship grey
                        Enjoying Life after Cancer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pops
                          it maybe a good idea paul but one problem terrie chooses not to drive has no urge to drive and will not drive so shut it mate
                          and as for the rumour when
                          YOU GONNA COME CLEAN???? linda's gonna get well worried now black must be this years wine or battleship grey

                          Lips Still sealed!
                          DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!

