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Property Law

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  • Property Law

    I know this is not Surf realted but................

    Daughter No 2 is in a house where the occupants pay the landlord X per week per room and the facilities are shared. The landlord has named her as sole tennant and she is being hounded for all the unpaid bills from since she moved in (and probably before). The gas bill alone is £500. When it got infested with wasps last year the landlord told her to pay and he would give her the money back. He renaged on that deal.
    The way I see it, if the landlord is charging each indivudual per room, he is responsible for the bills, with the exception of TV License and Council TAX.

    Are there any legal minds that might be able to help with this one?
    Last edited by kitesurf_phil; 23 July 2005, 22:06.
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    Did she sign a tenancy agreement or did she pay by way of a rent book.?


    • #3
      Hi Phil, I thought that the rent payed goes towards the mainenance of the property, providing the repairs are'nt caused by abuse. that includes infestation.
      have you seen this? http://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/tenant...antsrights.htm


      • #4
        Try here for some advice



        • #5
          Thanks for all your help. After I posted I remembered that we have a relative who is a solicitor and dealt with housing matters. She has advised a visit to the CAB in the first instance.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            As far as the ultility companies concern, they don't care youe daugther is only part rental the house. If it's her name on the bill they will chase her.
            Look at ther rental agreement, if it says she's only liable for share bill then she has a better chance with the landlord. Also one would ask WHY did she voleunteer to be a name on bills in the first place? If she didn't and the landlord put her name forward without her consent, doubt if the companies have her home/last address/details, I would just walk away from the flat, and not apply for any lecy or gas or phones for the next 5 years (not until she got married).
            This is really the last resort and let this be a big lesson on how NOT to house share. If she's gonna be a name on bills in the future, make sure there is a written agreement amount all the housemates, all bills must be settled on due time. A seperate agreement with the landlord that all bills must be settled when they leave or money taken from deposit to pay for it.

            RE: wasp nest. if landlord promised to reimburse her for the cost, then he must do. Go to small claim court to claim the cost of wasps removal + her time+costs. Better if other housemates can back her up plus the rental agreement should say what she is and isn't liable for (rental agreement again, very important). However, if she gonna do a runner, forget about this.....


            • #7
              should have gone through a reputable letting agency... you never have to meet or deal with the landlord and the landlord never has to do anything...
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                A quick update on this. The council has admitted that they came after my daughter because the landlord was shirking his responsibility to pay the council tax. They have been after him for three years.

                I have done some detective work, through his car Reg No and a friend who shall remain nameless. This information has been passed on to interesting parties, including some who want him in connection to employing illegal immigrants full time who are on student visas.
                My daughter will end up looking for alternative accomodation but it will be fun bringing the ******* down.
                It's only a hobby!

