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RIP Lady.

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  • RIP Lady.

    On Friday morning I got home from work and took Her Ladyship for her morning constitutional. On the way home her back legs gave up. Ever optimistic I thought I would see how she was when I got up in the afternoon.
    Later she could only get around with the help of an old towel round her middle to take the weight off her back legs. The vet inspected Lady and, despite me thinking that we would be on our way with a bottle of anti-inflammatries and some pain killers, I was advised that the kindest thing would be to let her go.

    There is such a big void in this house. For sixteen and a bit years Lady was our first concern on waking and our last at night. RIP old girl. You had a good innings.

    I was too upset to post on Friday evening.
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear this Phil. I can understand how you feel as I was in a similar position as you a couple of years ago, but that was with both my dogs, and I had to take them to the vets one last time It's not nice and it's very upsetting, which some cannot understand.

    One thing for sure though, you did the right and kindest thing,

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"


    • #3
      sorry to hear your bad news phil
      i know exactly how you feel
      best wishes carl


      • #4
        Never an easy decision - thinking of you mate.

        My Pointer ate the dog trainer


        • #5
          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
          On Friday morning I got home from work and took Her Ladyship for her morning constitutional. On the way home her back legs gave up. Ever optimistic I thought I would see how she was when I got up in the afternoon.
          Later she could only get around with the help of an old towel round her middle to take the weight off her back legs. The vet inspected Lady and, despite me thinking that we would be on our way with a bottle of anti-inflammatries and some pain killers, I was advised that the kindest thing would be to let her go.

          There is such a big void in this house. For sixteen and a bit years Lady was our first concern on waking and our last at night. RIP old girl. You had a good innings.

          I was too upset to post on Friday evening.

          sorry to hear of your loss m8. I can relate to what you are going through,keep ya chin up. do you have any more dogs/animals??
          CHEERS JOHN................


          • #6
            Know just how you feel. We waited eight years to get another and now feel that we should have taken the plunge much sooner.


            • #7
              Sad now
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #8

                The fact that you both had 16 years together as freinds is a joy many people will never experience.
                Been there, feeling 4 you.
                A positive attitude wont solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!


                • #9
                  sorry to hear of your loss
                  i'm comming to the same thing myself soon
                  i have a 7 year young alsation who is starting to fail in the hip area, it's heart breaking to see
                  Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                  • #10
                    Were gutted for you Phil.
                    At least you will have all those happy memories of the time you spent together.



                    • #11
                      sorry to hear of your loss phil but i know how you all feel as when i lost mine 2 yrs ago and it was devastating but as others have said you've still got the memories and pics


                      • #12
                        So sorry to hear about Lady - try to remember all the fun times you had together. At least she's pain free now.



                        • #13
                          Hi Phil
                          Know how you feel and it never gets easier, gave mine back for harness training last week and the only good thing is I've got twolve months before I do it again. our thoughts are with you and it's great to read so many replies from animal lovers. all the best

                          Tony and Kaitlin


                          • #14
                            sorry to here your news m8. I got a teenager if you want one !!!!!!!
                            He only eats once a day...from when he gets up (eventually) until he goes to bed.
                            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear of your loss .
                              Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

