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Scammers help!! LOL

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  • Scammers help!! LOL

    Hey, someones replied to me about the rear wheel cover ive got for sale. After a cupole of emails i got this..........very odd eh??? Can i get the scam to back fire?? I'll include his email address incase anyone wants to send him owt LOL.

    How are you doing.Hope everything is going fine on your side.According to my client,he has already sent the cheque out to you an hour ago(it will arrive by mail to your location).I made him understand it's urgent so he sent it immediately i gave him your details.So the payment should arrive in a short while from now.And once you get the payment,all other arrangments will be accomplished.So Just be close watch out for payment.

    But there was a little problem/mistake which i guess we can be well handled with understanding.When i contacted my client to now maybe the cheque as already been sent,i got to know that there was a misinterpretation while sending the cheque.According to the instruction i gave him,he was suppose to have sent you a cheque of £100 out of the money he was oweing me.But instead,he sent a cheque of(£2,150).It was a terrible mistake and the cheque is already out for delivery to your location.He claimed that he thougth i said he should send you a cheque of £2,150(which was the total sum he was oweing me)and not just £100.But i know very well that i told him to send just £100,but i guess he didnt get it straight.

    But that should not disturb how own purchase.The deal is on and we will get through it.What will happen is that ,once you get the cheque you will easily cash it and forward the extra(£2,050) directly to my secretary in cash immediately so as to make arrangement for shipment.It will be sent to him Via WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.Originally,i had in mind to collect the money from him and use to fix some other things personally.But since,its now coming to you now,i guess i can be assured in you that you can handle it with trust and have the excess money sent to my secretary.Hope all is well.Mail me back immediately,to let me know that i can trust you to handle everything well.I will be expecting your mail asap.

    Best Regards
    Mrs Elizabeth Fowler

    Make sure you mail me back immediately you get this message.And also please confirm your phone number, i tried reaching you by phone but i didnt get through.

    pafireman_990@yahoo.com , called eh? Well the 2 numbers i gave him were fine.....
    3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT

  • #2
    I love these idiots .. I tried to scam them before , but never got to the finale !

    Some people I know have said they will do the transaction , cashed the cheque or whatever it is , then send them dog much in a shoebox, or simillar ,, they never complain as they are trading in illegal funds and getting you to clean the money. Either stay well clear , or keep up the pretende that you are going to send him something ! see what happens , more than likely the cheque wil never arrive.

    Have fun !
    http://www.darksidesolutions.co.uk - Web Solutions


    • #3
      I doubt the cheque will ever turn up, but if it was me, I certainley wouldn't write back to the bloke, and wouldn't cash the cheque or anything either.

      It's a common(ish) money laundering scam. Highly illegal, and best not to get involved at all....
      It just does, OK?


      • #4
        It's possible a cheque will arrive.The problems occur after you deposit it and then refund them the difference.Notice that they want payment immediately.Cheques often take days or longer to clear and these cheques are worthless.The cheque will be dishonoured or cancelled and you are out the money you refunded.



        • #5
          Ask for their bank details so that you can refund the difference, and then pay the fake cheque into their account - it'll cost them at least £20 in bank charges


          • #6
            thats an old chestnut for sure....usually down to the nigerians....happens loads on ebay

            [U]HOLMESDALE EAGLES[/U]


            • #7
              Mrs E Fowler has applied appauling use of grammar, and strangely her use of the language is a little lax.
              Also nice is that it has all the signs of a masculine writer, in the use of third party references etc.

              If these muppets could articulate as if they are the assumed personna they may stand half a chance

              If they are going to try it on it would be rather nice if it was at least not such an obvious phoney.

              As my school report always said, "Could try harder".

              All the best,
              Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


              • #8
                Cash the cheque, leave it in your account for a couple of weeks and see what happens.
                Don't send them anything tho.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by bobafatass
                  Cash the cheque, leave it in your account for a couple of weeks and see what happens.
                  Don't send them anything tho.

                  wont your bank charge if it bounces though?
                  otherwise give it a go
                  Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dirtydog
                    wont your bank charge if it bounces though?
                    otherwise give it a go
                    Yes, your bank will probably charge you for the bounced cheque. Don't cash it, but forward it straight to the Fraud Squad, without getting your dabs on it!
                    Email them in advance so they expect it and put the whole thing inside another envelope so the FS can open it without messing up any prints.
                    Somewhere down the line, it might help nail one of these scumbags.

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #11

                      From the emails i receive offering you a cut in millions of dollars, Nigeria is probably the richest country in the world. I usually ask them to forward me small amount of money to show good faith. Funny never had any yet. Latest one is, do i want to buy gold dust. New one on me. The problem is, some poor old dear who has just learnt to work computer, will probably falls for such spam. Someone must, or i suppose they wouldn't keep sending them.
                      Rgds Philip
                      Still Searching,
                      Dick Whittington


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Philip
                        From the emails i receive offering you a cut in millions of dollars, Nigeria is probably the richest country in the world. I usually ask them to forward me small amount of money to show good faith. Funny never had any yet. Latest one is, do i want to buy gold dust. New one on me. The problem is, some poor old dear who has just learnt to work computer, will probably falls for such spam. Someone must, or i suppose they wouldn't keep sending them.
                        Rgds Philip
                        Thats what the fraud police said...opps.....
                        3.0 TD SSR-X LTD 1994 Black, sold and passed MOT


                        • #13
                          Just a little point on spam,
                          You know in OutLookExpress 6, when you get new spam, sorry, meant new mail, it tends to open the first in the inbox,
                          Mine did that, and when I scrolled down to see just how this Antidote worked, as it cured cancer aids, actually, it cured everthing!
                          Well, it seemed to empty the inbox and forward them all to everyone in my address book!
                          And I honestly dont think it would cure cancer, otherwise the government would have told everyone and put a decent tax on it by now!!
                          Back in the world of Surfdom


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Djandco
                            Just a little point on spam,
                            You know in OutLookExpress 6, when you get new spam, sorry, meant new mail, it tends to open the first in the inbox,
                            Mine did that, and when I scrolled down to see just how this Antidote worked, as it cured cancer aids, actually, it cured everthing!
                            Well, it seemed to empty the inbox and forward them all to everyone in my address book!
                            And I honestly dont think it would cure cancer, otherwise the government would have told everyone and put a decent tax on it by now!!
                            two points

                            1) turn off the preview pane !!!! - read suspicious emails by use of the properties / message source method - that way auto running emails do not get triggered

                            2) if you wish to fight cancer go to find a drug and then after registering join team 2070 or got to UD and after registering join Team Wanderlust - sorry for the shameless hint

                            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

