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  • #16
    Originally posted by Chillitt
    good luck with the little person, and when you get a pram or buggy or whatever do please practice stopping just before you hit someones ankle, and do try to judge the width of your vehicle and not just keep ramming it through gaps not designed for such chariots..
    i thank you...

    just reading this reminded me of the time my wife and i took our three year old niece out for the day, prior to having our own sprog, we were a night mare to others with the buggy! and with her being three years old every one expected us to know what we were doing!
    Diesel, like petrol only better


    • #17
      Thanks to everyone who has replied - chillit - dont worry, I know the difference between a square peg and a round hole mate LoL.

      Openroad - thats funny after 3 years !

      Well I think I understand why I bin reading the thread a bit wrong...I said pram didnt I ? I meant travel system / buggy - we dont want a parambulator at all actually !

      so it looks like we are gonna go for this thingymajig..

      Lookin good (I'm havin the blonde ! shhhh) ?


      Nili secundum desperandum


      • #18
        thats a hell of a pram!
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          thats a hell of a pram!

          Just wait till i fit the power kite traction system !
          Nili secundum desperandum


          • #20
            it only counts as a manlifter if it picks up full grown people....
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Chillitt
              it only counts as a manlifter if it picks up full grown people....
              LoL - nah dont like man lifting kites on land - only sno or water for me...a little HQ thing that has enough to pull it forward but not upward should do the trick nicely.

              For the man lifters - I use these

              Nili secundum desperandum


              • #22
                show some commitment man, jump on land! its only a graze...lol
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #23
                  Oh I got commitment - just ask me missis !

                  But since a recent serious accident - manlifting has been banned at our beach...
                  especially tethered lifting.

                  As sec. of our club - I cant say what I;d like to ! got to set a good example ya know....

                  wanna see my latest vid ?


                  Now tell me after that that land based is as fun as water ...lol.
                  Nili secundum desperandum


                  • #24
                    yeah, but i cant swim.....
                    it's in me shed, mate.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chillitt
                      yeah, but i cant swim.....
                      Why not ?

                      Surley this must be motivation enough to learn ?

                      Besdies ....if you dont go out to far...not much to swim or doggy paddle back in !
                      Nili secundum desperandum


                      • #26
                        unless you know someone who can teach me to float....its cant swim not wont swim!
                        near the end of that video theres a shadow in the water......er.....
                        Last edited by Chillitt; 13 July 2005, 15:05.
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Chillitt
                          unless you know someone who can teach me to float....its cant swim not wont swim!
                          near the end of that video theres a shadow in the water......er.....
                          Didnt spot any shadows - last one I saw was collecting his DSS money in birmingham LoL...no sharks in Tarifa....

                          I see - cant swim wont swim....Do go the dead sea - that'll show you that you can do it !
                          Nili secundum desperandum

