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BIG PROBLEM HELP ! "short circuit"

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  • BIG PROBLEM HELP ! "short circuit"

    Yesterday I pluged my cellphone charger in the cigarette lighter and all of a sudden the the clock , radio & cigarette lighter went out. I changed the fuse under the dash and it blew out the replacement fuse. I have no idea what to do to fix it so any advice would be welcomed.

  • #2
    Originally posted by suga
    Yesterday I pluged my cellphone charger in the cigarette lighter and all of a sudden the the clock , radio & cigarette lighter went out. I changed the fuse under the dash and it blew out the replacement fuse. I have no idea what to do to fix it so any advice would be welcomed.
    I would suspect damage to the cigarette lighter socket causing a dead short in the unit.
    I suggest that you disconnect the cables from the back of the cigarette lighter socket and insulate them for safety and then replace the fuse.
    If it is OK then the lighter socket needs repairing or replacing. If the fuse is still blowing then you need to investigate the rest of the circuit.


    • #3
      I had this happen to me on my previous car check that the metal connector on the charger hasnt fallen off in the lighter socket causing a short it took me ages to find out why it kept blowing fuses.


      • #4
        usually something stuck inside socket or socket breaking down... replacements only a few quid.
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

