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want to buy surf
want to buy surf
just picked up a surf 3.0srrg 0n a 94 fully loaded. had a few problems gettin it from the dealer had depo off me then kept car for 6 wks 1 excuse after the other as to way it wasn't ready,but got it now had checked out by a another garage i use all ok.just wounderin wot sort of mpg you get out of um & wot sort of things to look out 4
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Originally posted by bayohi,i'm thinkin of buying a surf could somebody give me some advise on prices & spec.seena few about and fell in love with um just need to buy 1 now
Failing that, tell us how much you have to spend and we try to tell you what you can expect.
Originally posted by bayohi,i'm thinkin of buying a surf could somebody give me some advise on prices & spec.seena few about and fell in love with um just need to buy 1 now.
i've got about 4k to spend & would like 3.0l in blue if poss
Extras you can find are bull bars, elec sunroof,rear wheel carrier,rear spoiler, turbo timers, and the list go's on and on.......
Top of the range is the SSR-G then working back SSR-X, SSR-V, SSR ltd.
As for price, look in the for sale section, ebay is a good bet too but be carefull.
4k should just about get you a 2nd gen, 3 litre if you shop around although it has been known that people have picked them up much cheaper than that.
4k will certainly get you a real nice 2.4 that has had a lot of work done to it.
Try the search function at the top of the page to find out more about spec and different models, there's a whole wealth of information on here.