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company car allowance - fuel allowance

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  • company car allowance - fuel allowance

    Need some advice on company car allowance and fuel allowance.

    My company offer a company car allowance, of which out of the allowance you must pay for the vehicle, tax, insurance, servicing.

    And up until now you could claim seperately for any fuel used on company business, (mileage log kept etc)

    Until today, when the french holding company said this is incorrect as the fuel also needs to come out of the car allowance.

    This policy has been running for years prior today, with this seeming to be totally unfair as for example, one of my reps has a territory that goes from scotland to leicester - hence a lot of driving, but another has a patch that they work from a showroom, so very little driving.

    All have the same allowance.

    For those of you that have a company car allowance, (£ Value per month to spend on vehicle of your choice, rather than a company supplying you a vehicle) please could you let me know how your companies work out the fuel allowance.

    (the surfs gonna cost me a fortune for all my business miles otherwise)

    I can then go back to our French parent company and debate

    Many Thanks


  • #2
    Tax Office can give you all the ammunition you need to resolve this.

    They set out the guidelines for what they recommend should be paid and claimed. Most companies then guage their offer around this.

    However, it is only a recommendation. And French companies usually make it up as they go along.

    Good luck...


    • #3
      and they cant change your conditions of employment with your agreement..
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Chillitt
        and they cant change your conditions of employment with"out" your agreement..
        little typo there...


        • #5
          sorry, beer poisoning. took me 3 goes to write this....
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            My wife has comany car and she has an allowance to spend on a car/insurance ,but her fuel is extra. She pays for it but has to claim it back every two weeks and keep accurate records of mileage
            I always work better wet .

            Its why I became a plumber!!!


            • #7
              With my company if you opt out and run your own car they pay an allowance according to grade and then you claim all business mileage, which is currently 40p per mile upto 5,ooo miles and then 18p per mile after 5,ooo. You then claim the difference between 18p and 40p against tax, so it should still get your money back.
              What you are describing is totally unfair, but then again I believe the French tax rules make a company vehicle (or opt out) prohibitively expensive, I also think this to be the case in many European countries and company funded cars are rare.


              • #8
                I get £3500 a year taxable in 12 monthly installments i also get a measly 10p per mile + VAT but you can claim more back off the TAX man
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • #9
                  I get 40p/mile for 10,000 and 25p/mile after that

                  i was if it was any higher i would get taxed

