Just had my new 20% uprated springs fitted. Although my Surf is very low mileage and the back didn't sit down normally it would take next to no load to have it sitting down in its wheel arches. Splashed out and got the springs, local garage stuck them on cos I was short on time and what an improvement. Just spent the hottest weekend of the year in Glastonbury, on the way I picked up an annex for my awning and while I was there a sofabed, both from ebay. So on the way back it had 2 adults, 3 dogs with cage and platform, roofbox with awning, annex, deckchairs etc, caravan on the back, sofabed on the folded rear seat and all the other junk you take away for a weekend and it resulted in a deflection of about 1/2". Put the shocks on hard and it drove lovely all the way home in heat of 29c. Aircon working hard and temp gauge just below halfway all the time, which is more than I can say for the fuel guage which was constantly on the move!
What more could a bloke ask for.
Much happier now.
What more could a bloke ask for.
Much happier now.