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Sticker removal

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  • Sticker removal

    Just picked up my surf yesterday and loving it already!

    The only tatty bit on the car is the stickers on the side, apart from that body work is excellent. Does anybody have any family secrets on the best way to remove the surf stickers without effecting the paint job before I start.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Marshman
    Just picked up my surf yesterday and loving it already!

    The only tatty bit on the car is the stickers on the side, apart from that body work is excellent. Does anybody have any family secrets on the best way to remove the surf stickers without effecting the paint job before I start.

    Thanks in advance!

    Congrats on the purchase, and welcome to the forum.

    Family secret #1 - Use the search button at the top of the forum.
    Paul </Slugsie>
    Immortal.so far!


    • #3
      Personally I removed mine (carefully) with a paint stripping heat gun and then removed the glue residue with some tar remover and some manual labour.

      You can get a rubber-disc thingy that you put in a drill (a bit like a cutting/grinding disc but soft rubber stuff) and then use that to rub the stickers off. There have been some articles on here about them before so you could try some searches for "stickers" or "graphics" etc.
      No longer a Surf owner.


      • #4
        Originally posted by codlord
        Personally I removed mine (carefully) with a paint stripping heat gun and then removed the glue residue with some tar remover and some manual labour.

        You can get a rubber-disc thingy that you put in a drill (a bit like a cutting/grinding disc but soft rubber stuff) and then use that to rub the stickers off. There have been some articles on here about them before so you could try some searches for "stickers" or "graphics" etc.
        Thanks for that, I will leave my weekend free to test it!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Marshman
          Just picked up my surf yesterday and loving it already!

          The only tatty bit on the car is the stickers on the side, apart from that body work is excellent. Does anybody have any family secrets on the best way to remove the surf stickers without effecting the paint job before I start.

          Thanks in advance!

          Want to remove mine, so I though as it's a nice day will have a go at the short ones on the rear quarter panel.

          Oh dear!! It's just taken me about half an hour to remove some about 6"x3", and I can see on the paint work the outline of where the stickers were I just hope that T Cut will take care of that if not I shall have to get my mate who works in a body shop to bringhis mop and cutting compound home

          I suppose perserverance is the key here

          Cheers, Nick

          Cheers, Nick
          "The force will be with you, always!"


          • #6
            A good way it to heat them up with a hairdryer,peel the stickers off, then remove the glue/residue with the type of solvent cleaner that upvc fitters use for cleaning window frames, it comes up a treat. Then tcut if nesessary.



            • #7
              sticker removal

              use a hairdrier to take the sticker off this does not get hot enough to damage the paint work then the best thing to take off the residue is good old fashioned brasso yes I know it sounds daft but it is an old way try it on a piece of paint work first and you will find it works better than t cut ???


              • #8
                Originally posted by spoofer28
                use a hairdrier to take the sticker off this does not get hot enough to damage the paint work then the best thing to take off the residue is good old fashioned brasso yes I know it sounds daft but it is an old way try it on a piece of paint work first and you will find it works better than t cut ???
                Brasso, that's an inspired idea !
                Never thought of that one.



                • #9

                  Originally posted by bobafatass
                  Brasso, that's an inspired idea !
                  Never thought of that one.

                  I was told about that one twenty years ago when i used to go to all the car auctions and an old boy told me to try it so i did and have used it to clean every car i have had since as it cleans all the grime of and leaves you with a very clean shiny car

