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Rear window SORTED!!!! AT LAST.

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  • Rear window SORTED!!!! AT LAST.

    Had a problem with closing the rear window on my Surf, always sticking open and slow to close when decided to work with key or from switch.
    With good advice from guys from this website problem solved simply with my wife & a can of silicone & grease.

    Drop your window & tailgate. Remove panel and plastic cover to expose window & motor.Use a screw driver to push the catches in on both sides of the gate to give the impression the tailgate is shut. Now insert the key or use the switch to raise the window. Wife bit, get her to hold the glass when it appears, it needs to be supported or could pop out or smash with own weight. Now blast the window channels inside the gate with silicone spray and the upper channels too. Grease the channels on the mechanism and then raise & lower window several times to get everthing lubricated. "Ok i sprayed everything that moved Even the Mrs" .
    This as now sorted this problem out and increased the window speed by 30% & doesn`t need that helping hand when it gets close to the top.

    Thanx to the guy responsable for this advice, Sorry but i can`t remember who it was.Thanx to the wife who moaned enough for me to get this sorted.

    SHE WAS HAPPY TO HELP REALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    nice one M4r5hy. I'm a complete mechanical disaster. All of my windows are suffering at the moment but my worst is easily the back one. I took the carpet panel off the other day and then the metal plate, had one look inside and quickly replaced everything ! After reading the info here i've decided to have a go as loadsa people seem to have done it. Anyway, just wondering what silicone spray you used, where you got it and exactly where you spray it. What is a window channel ? Sorry to sound completely stupid but i really havn't got a clue about these things. Also what grease did you use and where did it go. Thanks for any help that anyone can give me. Jim. One last thing, are the side windows any easier ?


    • #3
      I SEE YOUR IN POOLE.if you want me to take a gander and see if i can help,let me know.


      • #4
        Originally posted by surfenstein
        I SEE YOUR IN POOLE.if you want me to take a gander and see if i can help,let me know.
        i think he needs to lubricate his wife also lololololol


        • #5
          Thanks a lot surfenstein. If that's ok it'd be really appreciated. I'll try and grease it and silicone stuff it if someone could tell me what to use and where to use it and if i have no joy with that i'll take you up on your offer if it still stands. $$$$$$ helpful people here


          • #6
            Originally posted by JimH
            Thanks a lot surfenstein. If that's ok it'd be really appreciated. I'll try and grease it and silicone stuff it if someone could tell me what to use and where to use it and if i have no joy with that i'll take you up on your offer if it still stands. $$$$$$ helpful people here
            yep its not a problem,where bouts are you in poole.


            • #7
              oakdale, you?


              • #8
                Smutty thread alert I'm glad I didn't post this thread. As Mrs H gets very upset at endless flowing smutty drivel.
                www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JimH
                  oakdale, you?
                  alderney.24/7 is from oakdale too.so if you see this.

                  or this give us a wave.


                  • #10
                    I was about to say there was a decent sort of bloke who lived in poole going by the name of surfenstein, but then i couldn't remember if they'd said u was a decent sort of bloke, or a sort of decent bloke

                    Spray all the black 'channel' where the tailgate glass goes into with silicone lubricant, it'll say on the tin somewhere that it's suitable for window rubbers. The i just sprayed everything inside the tailgate with a lithium based spray on 'white' grease.

                    If you do the channels with the window down, then raise the window before you do the mechanism you won't get too much grease on the window glass itself.
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11
                      [QUOTE=nero279]I was about to say there was a decent sort of bloke who lived in poole going by the name of surfenstein, but then i couldn't remember if they'd said u was a decent sort of bloke, or a sort of decent bloke
                      pmsl. i get called a lot of things by a lot of people.decent not being one of them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Highlander1
                        Smutty thread alert I'm glad I didn't post this thread. As Mrs H gets very upset at endless flowing smutty drivel.
                        dont know wot u mean??lol
                        and stein,plz bring tissues on london to brighton cause i will be droolin all over both trucks!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
                          dont know wot u mean??lol
                          and stein,plz bring tissues on london to brighton cause i will be droolin all over both trucks!!!
                          pmsl.i always carry some tissues,just to wipe the bodywork down after all the dribbling.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by surfenstein
                            pmsl.i always carry some tissues,just to wipe the bodywork down after all the dribbling.
                            wot the feck is that on dash of black beauty?massive boost guage??


                            • #15
                              cheers nero, are these the sort of things i can get at halfords ?

