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Veg oil fuel ??

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  • I can see immense enthusiasm here ( on this forum ) for alternative fuels.

    Over here in NZ I'm not really interested in the tax department or a number of other government departments come to think of it.

    To give me some perspective of the savings you guys are making I am looking for some price comparisons, I see you can get SVO at about 50p/Litre

    1. How much is a Litre of regular diesel :I'm paying 80c/Litre
    2. How much is a pint in your local pub : We pay about $3.5 a pint

    I know it sounds funny but I have discovered that beer is a good currency converter
    '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


    • Originally posted by simono
      ........To give me some perspective of the savings you guys are making I am looking for some price comparisons, I see you can get SVO at about 50p/Litre

      1. How much is a Litre of regular diesel :I'm paying 80c/Litre
      2. How much is a pint in your local pub : We pay about $3.5 a pint

      I know it sounds funny but I have discovered that beer is a good currency converter
      In Ireland, Diesel is around €0.88 eurocents/litre (source www.irishfuelprices.com)
      Cheapest new veg-oil is €0.62 per litre
      Beer? No idea, haven't been to a pub for years, on the rare occasions I drink, I do so at home/someones house! (Very untypical Irishman , hate spuds too!)
      Last edited by Morr; 18 August 2004, 11:04.
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • Low-Impact Living

        For those into this idea for more than just saving money I found this site which you might be intested in.
        Low-Impact Living Initiative
        Has some good info on this subjects and good links

        [SIZE=7][COLOR=YellowGreen][SIZE=5][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The difference between the men and the boys .................... the price of their toys ![/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]


        • Originally posted by simono
          I can see immense enthusiasm here ( on this forum ) for alternative fuels.

          Over here in NZ I'm not really interested in the tax department or a number of other government departments come to think of it.

          To give me some perspective of the savings you guys are making I am looking for some price comparisons, I see you can get SVO at about 50p/Litre

          1. How much is a Litre of regular diesel :I'm paying 80c/Litre
          2. How much is a pint in your local pub : We pay about $3.5 a pint

          I know it sounds funny but I have discovered that beer is a good currency converter
          In UK...

          1. Diesel is around 80p / litre (NZ$2.20)
          2. I pay £2.80 / pint for Guiness (NZ$7.67)

          I can see why my sister and her husband moved to NZ!!
          Never argue with an idiot... they drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience!!


          • Veggie Oil - Live long and propser planet Earth !!

            More fabulous informationfrom this fantastic site..... gradually scrambling my brain cells though.... lol.... can anyone clarify the following points:

            I have a lovely 91 LN130 2LTE SSRX 2.4TD - does it that have a Nippon Denso fuel pump......? from what I have read I guess it does.

            Has anyone had any direct exprience of going through a UK winter running any mix of Dinodiesel and Veggie Oil.... I plan to run a 30% veggie oil and 70% dinodiesel mix through this coming winetr, which is meant to be one of the worst in twenty years and I'm moving to Orkney next week ! Will this mix provide the neccessary viscosity in the cold for the mix to get through the pump? after a cold night standing !

            At present I don't wish to modify the vehicle.

            Thanks to you all who have taken the time to post all this valuable information.



            • cold winter?

              I have heard it's going to be a cold one as well. Apparently you can get winterizing agents to add to the fuel to stop it gelling at low temperatures. If it gets seriously cold just run 100% dinodiesel - you can save the planet all next summer!

              Also, leave a jar of the fuels you use outside so you can see whether they are gelling and at what temp this happens. Even dinodiesel will gel in a very cold Orkney winter so keep the Surf in a garage if you can.



              • Normal DIESEL from your local pump has already got this anticlotting agent added to it, Years ago before they added it, DIESEL used to go all thick & gooey when very cold
                (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                • After spending hours reading about veggie oil, and all the info in this thread im glad to say im joining the eco club! Thanks for all the info!
                  Will run 30/70 after fuel filter change shortly, in warmer times will increase to 40% veggie, and probably go for the convertion next year
                  Hi few pics under member rigs, check out "surfing round europe" under general. Wave if you see us thanks mark


                  • Well, I tried part veg oil but I'm back on regular diesl again.


                    - Really noticable diesel knock when starting from cold
                    - Sheer impossibility of buying, storing and pouring that much oil into the tank on anything like a regular basis - and all to save 30 odd pence a litre - maybe £3 - £4 on a tankful.

                    I guess its OK if you go for it seriously - set up your own fuel plant and mod the fuel lines and injector timing etc - but just seems like a lot of hassle to me for anything less.




                    • Originally posted by exmee46
                      Well, I tried part veg oil but I'm back on regular diesl again.
                      undefinedi run on a variable mix, meaning i just sling it in, it,s usually a small % of veg oil

                      - Really noticable diesel knock when starting from cold
                      mine,s seems quiter
                      - Sheer impossibility of buying, storing and pouring that much oil into the tank on anything like a regular basis - and all to save 30 odd pence a litre - maybe £3 - £4 on a tankful.
                      buying? you buy diesel, store it in your diesel tank, save £3 to £4 a tankful over a 100 tank fulls? not to mention the enviromental savings
                      I guess its OK if you go for it seriously - set up your own fuel plant and mod the fuel lines and injector timing etc - but just seems like a lot of hassle to me for anything less.
                      done absolutely nothing to my surf and it probably runs better with a bit of veggy in


                      cheers ship

                      p.s my shed,s full of empty veg oil bottles, so there is a downside


                      • Originally posted by exmee46
                        ...and all to save 30 odd pence a litre - maybe £3 - £4 on a tankful....
                        Whilst many will be starting to use veggie due to the recent fuel price increases, don't forget the reason many of us started this in the first place, before the large price increases. The potential benefits to our environment and economy are quite significant in comparison to DinoDiesel. Use of veggie (if popular enough) can reduce a countries imports thereby having a positive impact on the countries balance of payments, reduce dependence on oil-rich nations, create local employment, utilise current fallow land in oil production etc, etc. This is all in addition to its carbon neutral status, and it’s greatly reduced levels of many other emissions along with the elimination of some too.

                        Also if more of use could claim our vehicles as being better environmentally it would be another charge in our arsenal against those who would have our "SUV's" banned for amongst other things being "gas-guzzlers"

                        Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


                        • Originally posted by simono
                          I can see immense enthusiasm here ( on this forum ) for alternative fuels.

                          Over here in NZ I'm not really interested in the tax department or a number of other government departments come to think of it.

                          To give me some perspective of the savings you guys are making I am looking for some price comparisons, I see you can get SVO at about 50p/Litre

                          1. How much is a Litre of regular diesel :I'm paying 80c/Litre
                          2. How much is a pint in your local pub : We pay about $3.5 a pint

                          I know it sounds funny but I have discovered that beer is a good currency converter
                          I had to fill up with dino diesel this morning at 86p/L. I can buy vegoil at between 43 and 50p/L. I am currently looking into whether I can be excepted from the London congestion charges for using an, "alternative," fuel. As well as the above financial benefits there is the warm glow of knowing that what I burn in my engine is having a lower impact on the environment. I am looking forward to processing the 100L of WVO I have, so far, collected from local take aways. The plant is almost finished.
                          It's only a hobby!


                          • I have been using a 20/80 mix for the last few months with no problems, starts ok, runs well and no lost power. Slightl cooking smell is the only givaway. .Since the price of diesel went up to 85p ltr I have thought about uping the percentage but with the colder weather due I think I will wait til next year. You are right it is a real pain standing there pouring one litre bottles in and if you do not dispose of them elsewhere it's a dead giveaway. I wonder if the dustbin men inform the taxman if they find too many!!!!!!!!
                            Visit all the Surfin Elkhounds at [url="http://www.malenibo.co.uk/"]www.malenibo.co.uk[/url]


                            • Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
                              I had to fill up with dino diesel this morning at 86p/L. I can buy vegoil at between 43 and 50p/L. I am currently looking into whether I can be excepted from the London congestion charges for using an, "alternative," fuel. As well as the above financial benefits there is the warm glow of knowing that what I burn in my engine is having a lower impact on the environment. I am looking forward to processing the 100L of WVO I have, so far, collected from local take aways. The plant is almost finished.
                              Shhhhhhhh - you might need to mention you're paying the excise & VAT on your alternative fuel before they let you off another tax . Which last time I worked it out turned 1lt from Lidl into 84/85p !!!


                              • Originally posted by ozzig
                                Shhhhhhhh - you might need to mention you're paying the excise & VAT on your alternative fuel before they let you off another tax . Which last time I worked it out turned 1lt from Lidl into 84/85p !!!
                                I'm not 100% positive on this, but I'm fairly certain you only have to pay duty, not VAT, as that will already have been paid in full when you got the veggie from the shop.
                                Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu

