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Surfing round Europe

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  • Surfing round Europe

    Hi folks and fellow surfers!
    I last posted in December, on route across some of Europe-losing my password soon after.
    Found it finally, and from the local internet café in the southern Algarve region of Portugal, we finally get organised and post.
    The journey started in the Isle of Wight, then to friends in Glastonbury, Bournemouth for a cheap caravan then to Poole for the Cherbourg crossing in December.
    Great crossing and meal for all, sadly our 9 year old daughter was sea-sick all the way, 14 year old son was so kind. Hit the port in time to buy more chocolate, and ran south on a mix of cheap diesel and 20% veg oil.(now its hot here and on 50/50!)
    The new 31x10.5x15 MTs howled a bit but ran well, and are still going strong.
    Through the middle of France we meandered, avoiding at all costs the toll roads, staying at a campsite in the freezing fog occasionally.
    A few pics on the way, allegedly a little on the heavy side! (zip)
    The last been a lovely place called Auch, French side North of Andorra.
    Our first trouble here, the clutch went, upon investigation it was revealed that a cheap one was fitted prior to my owning, and was getting on a bit so nothing to bad.
    The Toyota garage in Auch is near the Hippodrome, and the staff couldn’t do enough to help us, they sort of share the plot with Dartus Mercedes, who were also fantastic!
    A week before Christmas, all the campsites shut, and we ended up living in our caravan behind the garage. They supplied us with a free car, electric, and all the help they could.Emptying the toilet was funny, took it for a ride in the motor, then ran 1.5 miles across a public park to the only toilets we could find-commando style!
    Many thanks to Toyota Auch, and Mercedes Dartus Auch, especially Didia
    Trouble was Toyota France refused to send, even after offering to pay the transit, a new clutch plate on special delivery, We had to wait till the routine delivery appeared, so we spent 10 days in a garage, touring France? Take a spare clutch!
    This was frustrating for us, and infuriated the garages in Auch, but the folks in the town were fantastic.
    Clutch arrived on a Saturday night, and Monday morning the Toyota mech set to work, mid afternoon, clutch done and on the road, FAST and good service.
    We later discovered as we hit Manressa, Cataloanian city West of Barcelona, that the reason the clutch went was the flywheel was separating.
    Stuck on the road, a lorry driver called Vladimir, who was waiting for his mechanic to return from lunch, lent us his phone, as we had just crossed the border and still had a French chip that we couldn’t top up with credit. Thanks to him, and the local recovery guy (RACC I think) we arrived at Toyota Manressa in the evening.
    The following morning, whilst trying to rapidly learn Catalan Spanish, we were ushered right in front of the garage heaters and offered much support.
    The fly wheel was separating, after only 4 hours it was obvious when I was showed, basically old, NFG and had failed.
    In fairness to Toyota Auch there is no way they could or would have taken the flywheel off when the clutch they were looking at was old, cheap and obviously in bits.
    Hmm problem, day before Christmas eve, all campsites shut, and cold.
    Special part from the UK as European flywheels are one piece- so they don’t separate with age, sadly a no fit.
    Toyota Manressa, had a little chat amongst themselves, and their admin exec, Georgio, TOWED us and our little caravan around 50KM to the nearest camping resort that was open, in his own time.
    And then used the power of Toyota Manressa, to book us in on a site, with no deposit and no leaving date.
    We stayed in Berga Resort, fantastic place, staff and views, -7 in the day though so not on the warm side-no skinny dipping in the pool here then!
    Had a fantastic Christmas there, cost us 500 euro for the site but good, and only 5 days after arriving we were back on the road- Toyota had the part flown from UK (thankyou Toyota UK) , to Madrid, then to Barcelona then to Manressa.
    A massive thanks to the Team there
    Funny to reflect on the service here, In France, and Spain- a Toyota is a Toyota.
    Same as here in Portugal.
    I recall visiting my local dealer on the Isle of Wight, the young guy was really helpful- sadly the attitude of a senior guy let them down.
    “Well you buy cheap crap grey imports that overheat in Summer then its to be expected that difficulty will be experienced in obtaining parts”, that guy never ordered them, or enquired after them or even phoned me back- I checked. I only wanted a rubber hose!
    So we headed south then West, met fantastic folks on the way and finally settled on the South Eastern Algarve.
    Just done a full service, changed the battery, wired up a few accessories, only trouble with the Surf was the starter motor clicking, quick trip to Toyota FARO full contacts, plunger (on the shelf!) and info from the forum and all perfect.
    Wife loves it, kids happy in school here, and I’m teaching Business English, and the Surf is earning a few hundred Euros a month by towing folks out of sand traps, and moving caravans for folks! Everyone we have met have been truly friendly and nice.
    A big hi to our Portuguese friends aswell.
    The Surf is our most awesome vehicle ever owned, and we love ours to bits, UK on hols July/August so give us a wave if you see us
    Will post again soon, probably on some of the bits we have done, wiring etc.
    Take care all, thanks for a great forum and all the info and help so far, cya soon, mark (promising to meet Dunno for the trail this year!)
    Planning visit to North Africa poss late this summer, maybe even visit end of the year to South Africa to meet some really cool folks we met- their web site is www.throughafrica.com Nice conversion Tim and his wife (sorry I’m hopeless with names).
    Will keep in touch better from now on! Regards, Mark,Maz,Alex and Amber xx
    PICTURES added as 2 zip files under member rigs "mark lawton"
    Last edited by mark lawton; 16 May 2005, 10:29. Reason: addition of pics (zip)
    Hi few pics under member rigs, check out "surfing round europe" under general. Wave if you see us thanks mark

  • #2
    Sounds like you're having a great time...

    And what a friendly, helpful lot of people you've met too.....

    Let us know when you reach the next continent

    Take care
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....


    • #3
      Great post, really shows up the UK business's 'non-service' mentaility! Glad the Surf and life is working out for you.

      Keep in touch.

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        There is a 2.4 SURF which STEVO has recently done work on. He says its been to the ARCTIC CIRCLE including Finland. The owner is doing a documentary & we might have some info soon.


        • #5
          I did a lap of the Baltic in mine two years ago


          • #6
            hi and thanks for replies

            Hi folks, thnaks for reading and for the replies
            Leaving here end of this month, driving North through Portugal, West Coast of France (if I dont get lost again !) and aim to hit Cherbourg by end of first week in July. Will then be back UK, off to see family and friends, also planning to try and get to the mainland to meet up at an event to see a few faces.
            Returning Portugal Sept ish hehe.
            Had a few e-mails about insurance, so ill answer them here if ok.
            I have Norwich Union Direct, with international cover and breakdown added.
            My premium is 460 i think for the year, full comp and protected UK, international, and breakdown. 65% NCB.Paid by monthly installments, all set up via the net.
            If your planning on a visit to Portugal, new law as of 1 june 2005. Reflective jackets (EU approved) with silver taping is now law to be carried in the FRONT of all vehicles! Basically in the boot and get an instant fine
            Getting hot here, 25/30 plus everyday, and possibly getting a bit fed up with blue skies... gloat factor 10
            Regards to you all, hopefully see you when were back
            Hi few pics under member rigs, check out "surfing round europe" under general. Wave if you see us thanks mark


            • #7
              Back to Blighty

              Hi folks, left Portugal on the 1st of July- too much junk as usual!
              Travelled North towards Alcutim (South Eastern Algarve) to a spot near the Barragem de Beliche (Dam) where we previously posed for the pic now used as an avatar.
              Stayed with friends nearby, cursing the mighty mossies off the river that borders Spain and Portugal, headed North towards the next region of the Alentajo. Temperatures hit an unpleasant 45.5 deg C, the air con didn’t really seem to do much at this point.
              Even the ants here are high speed, joked with the kids it was avoid burning their feet!
              Wandered Northwards and went through Guarda in the Serra Estrala mountain range, fantastic scenery and home to the rare Estrela mountain dog.
              Had a wonderful picnic lunch by the river in the national park, then slowly said goodbye to Portugal and headed NE to Salamanca Spain.
              Across the Northern plains and towards the South Western Edge of France.
              The mountains near the border were awesome, eagles were seen aloft, and the weather was great but thankfully a little cooler.
              North passed Bordeaux and continued towards Nantes, then Rennes.
              We watched the rolling scenery change often dramatically in short distances, and slowly the clouds started to form as we headed North.
              On one of the auto routes our son noticed the top box dancing wildly, amongst the few seconds warning and several overtaking French motorists flashing manically we pulled over. Hi to the French lady with the caravan… we love you too
              At this point a French Hells Angel pulled over and pointed out in a heavy Parisian accent that ….. translated into English and suited to a family site!, that our top box had opened and we had left a few items behind!
              After collecting this stuff, minus a BBQ fish slice that was later seen on the verge 3 km down the road (wave if you see it!) with a lorry strap over the box, we continued on.
              Stopping at a truck stop, enjoying the thunderstorm that raged overhead, we slept well eventually, saying bye to the poor folks that were in a Frontera- and had taken refuge in the toilet block overnight we continued onwards.
              A few long days of driving, we arrived in Cherbourg, we did it in 3 very long days- needed a lot more time to see everything but had a boat booked.
              Cleared Customs, remembered to drive on the Left, and arrived with family at 3am!
              Now finally sorted on the road again, had the pleasure of getting an MOT, and road tax for over here…. OUCH!
              MOT passed but needed top ball joints doing and headlight aim so it was pretty good.
              The Surf never missed a beat, nearly 2,500 km, around 240 euros in fuel, 3 Long driving days and loads of food!
              As a route to Southern Portugal, definitely an easy one and excellent scenery and food stops.
              Back in UK till end of August, so will try and get up to a meet somewhere, and will try and catch up with Island Surfers for a visit to Tennyson trail.
              Love and regards to all, mark
              Last edited by mark lawton; 25 July 2005, 21:05.
              Hi few pics under member rigs, check out "surfing round europe" under general. Wave if you see us thanks mark

