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Tomtom Go 300

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  • Tomtom Go 300

    ive just bought a tomtom go 300 and was wondering if anyone else out there had one and knows where you can download extras for it foreign maps,voices,or other extras. or would anyone be willing to copy there info onto disc for me if i pay? (for backup purposes only of course!!!!! )

  • #2
    Hi Jedi, you could try here http://www.tomtom.com/ I use TOM TOM on a pda. I have the French map but I do not know if it will work with the 300. I actually fornd the Major Roads of Europe which usually comes with the GB software to be quite good over the water. Gets you around the Paris peripheric like a native.
    Visit all the Surfin Elkhounds at [url="http://www.malenibo.co.uk/"]www.malenibo.co.uk[/url]

