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"check your batteries"

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  • "check your batteries"

    Had probs this morning starting my beast up, just happen to check my batts and found nearly empty. Filled them up, now ok, hopefully. Just thought ide let you all know in case you have the same probs.

    Cheers all!

  • #2

    The owner of the dealers where I bought mine,looked at me..smiled..realised I was no spring chicken..took pity on my age..and in a mad moment gave me TWO new batteries.The saleman had no such sentiments and immediately got !!!!y saying it would alter his commision.But I got the batteries ! I have had the vehicle now for 2 1/2 years and I have never checked them ! I just think that if they are new(ish),and there are two of them..why should I worry.Anyway I spend the summers over here and the winters in Spain so there is never any load on them anyway.
    Last edited by surfin; 4 May 2005, 09:23. Reason: Poor memory


    • #3
      When I went to test drive mine nearly three years ago the battery was flat, the dealer chucked one new one in and off she went (I'd like to point out that I did not know of this site at that time). Last year the batteries were getting tired so I thought I'd change the failing one, only to find both were failing. The reason behind this long tail is if both batteries are flat and you only replace one, chances are the other will drag down the good one, so although it costs more it's best to replace them both at the same time.

      Oh regarding topping up the batteries, I got sealed batteries, which I suspect most peoples are nowadays, so don't have the option of topping up. But it's probably a good idea for people to check.
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #4
        Something to be aware of, if you still have both batteries tied together (in parallel), as per factory standard and one of the cells in one of the batteries fails it will have a negative effect on the other good battery.

        Lead acid batteries are only good for about 2 years, if you get any more than that out of one it is living on borrowed time.

        Not using a lead acid battery for a period (more than a couple of weeks) is also detrimental to the health of the battery. They have a storage shelf life of about 5years without the acid in them.

        In my opinion the best thing to do is replace the next one that fails with an N70Z as used in the LandCruisers and make that the main starting battery that does all the work. Install a duel battery system and run all of your accesories off the other battery like driving lights, CB's, compressor and the like.

        Here's a pic of an N70Z in mine.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by maverick_sr71; 4 May 2005, 12:01.
        Pete. R.
        93 SSRG


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maverick
          Oh regarding topping up the batteries, I got sealed batteries, which I suspect most peoples are nowadays, so don't have the option of topping up. But it's probably a good idea for people to check.

          Maverick, sealed batteries are not sealed unless they are gell cell batteries and do need toping up. The advertising hype is just to suck people into beleiving the batteries don't need maintence and as a result may fail earlier and you have to buy new ones ant they make more money and.......you see where the maintanence free comes from now.
          Pete. R.
          93 SSRG


          • #6
            someone has 'chewed' the tops of my battery's cell covers up and they're jammed in place - so it looks like i'm gonna have to try and loosen them off somehow without digging the holes any deeper! looks like they been attacked with a samurai sword!!!!


            • #7
              Samurai's drink battery acid....its what makes them so tough...a surf is obvioulsy a good car for them to target having 2 batteries....


              • #8
                Originally posted by chunkymonkey
                Samurai's drink battery acid....its what makes them so tough...a surf is obvioulsy a good car for them to target having 2 batteries....
                yeah, but they've got wider axles!
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by da SLUG man
                  yeah, but they've got wider axles!

                  and a shorter wheelbase!

