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Please take a minite ......

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  • Please take a minite ......

    Once again the nazi-like leaders of our country have proposed plans to oppress the law abiding citizens of the uk. They are now attacking motorsport, which Im sure we will have some following on here.
    Please sign the petition to try and persuade the Government to lift the new DEFRA ruling which in one fell swoop has threatened many forms of motorsport in the UK.


    Also if possible spread the word.

  • #2
    Originally posted by RMS_CLK
    Once again the nazi-like leaders of our country have proposed plans to oppress the law abiding citizens of the uk. They are now attacking motorsport, which Im sure we will have some following on here.
    Please sign the petition to try and persuade the Government to lift the new DEFRA ruling which in one fell swoop has threatened many forms of motorsport in the UK.


    Also if possible spread the word.
    4695 signatures now the more the better


    • #3
      I was reading about this in the paper the other day. Our wonderful government has implemented an E.C. directive and gone completely overboard as usual. Apparently the MSA are in urgent talks with DEFRA and are prepared to take whatever action necessary to get this ruling overturned. Hooray for one ruling body at any rate.

      My Pointer ate the dog trainer


      • #4
        4719 now
        Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


        • #5
          Locally here in Northern Ireland, we have lost the use of one of our most popular race tracks. This was shut down due to "noise pollution". The most popular NI track "Kirkistown Raceway" is also under threat. And this new Defra wouldnt help the situation at all. Its hard enough to compete in motorsport at the best of times without all this. Thanks for the support guys. If you belong to any other forums, stick this on. Every signature helps.


          • #6
            4800 now. Why does our goverment always go over the top with these things, bet it aint a problem in France - can you imagine the out cry if they threatened to put a stop to Motocross and such like.


            • #7
              You want to know why nothing like this happens in france . Its because they dont have a health and safety executive .Where as in this country we have in the region of 4000+ people working for the HSE all trying to find ways to either get noticed in amonst the corperate millions or had nothing better to do.

              This country is getting more and more like a dictatorship. Soon we wont be able to leave the house until we passed a test to say we are competant to walk or that we have to wear full PPE to go shopping.

              Sorry about the rant ,but iv finally woken up to what is happening to this country.

              Thinking of emigrating anyone??????

              I always work better wet .

              Its why I became a plumber!!!


              • #8
                hell, yes...
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  form an orderly queue, and a petition, and a focus group, and badger your local MP, pay of the civil servants, pay the spin doctors, etc, etc.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mike66
                    Thinking of emigrating anyone??????

                    Well if we dont, we'll only get put out anyway to make room for some more dirty imigrants!


                    • #11
                      5936 now! Lots of backing!
                      Real trucks don't have spark plugs


                      • #12

