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Goodbye Skippy

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  • Goodbye Skippy


    My poor old Shetland pony (Skippy) died today. Had him since my boys were toddlers. When they grew too big to ride him I trained him to pull a cart and we spent many happy hours clip-clopping along the lanes. He used to do 20 miles a day sometimes. We would stop for lunch and Skippy would eat the brambles (his favourite). I will miss his cheeky little face and his welcoming whinnie in the mornings. I will bury him in 'the den' which is a rough grassed bit on the farm where he used to gallop and kick his heels up. Goodbye Skip.


  • #2
    Awww Sad to read about you losing your little mate......
    Least you had his companty for quite a while



    • #3
      sorry to hear your news Jax


      • #4
        I know how you feel - had to have our dog Sam put down last week - he was 14yrs but had developed serious arthritis. Really do miss him but have 14 great years to remember.
        Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


        • #5
          Originally posted by jax

          My poor old Shetland pony (Skippy) died today. Had him since my boys were toddlers. When they grew too big to ride him I trained him to pull a cart and we spent many happy hours clip-clopping along the lanes. He used to do 20 miles a day sometimes. We would stop for lunch and Skippy would eat the brambles (his favourite). I will miss his cheeky little face and his welcoming whinnie in the mornings. I will bury him in 'the den' which is a rough grassed bit on the farm where he used to gallop and kick his heels up. Goodbye Skip.

          Jeez, I can't believe all the bad luck you're having regarding animals.
          We feel very sad for your losses too.

          Jo & Vince.


          • #6
            sad news sheep now skippy but you still got fond memories of skippy tho jax
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #7
              Sad to read of you woes...but like other have said you will always remember the good times..everytime you past where you both stopped to eat, frolic in the grounds etc.

              Sorry to hear of your sadness as well SilverSurfer. Had two dogs in the past..one after the other. The Border Collie/Alsation cross was found 6 weeks dumped in the backstreet...used to sleep on my bed until I fell asleep. The second was a shetland sheepdog....used be waiting for me everytime I came home from school.....My parents said he was always up at the window waiting
              Last edited by Gizmo; 28 April 2005, 19:07.


              • #8
                Awh Jax, I really feel for you! I lost my mare Cassie after 19 years in Feb and its so hard not to see them there anymore. It sounds as if he had a really lovely life with you and your family, and was very lucky to have a home for life - so many dont get that.
                Try to remember all the good things, and think of him grazing the eternal pasture with Cassie and all the others.



                • #9
                  sorry to hear of your loses jax and silversurfer, hope your luck changes soon jax
                  lets go get dirty...


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone. Kind words from you all.



                    • #11
                      Always sad to hear of the loss of a good companion, as I've said before I say goodbye to a Guide Dog pup every year and even that is hard. But can I add some good news? my next Pup Holly was born last Friday and comes to me on the 8th june, black lab, retriever cross.

                      regards to all those who have lost friends

