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I dont have a surf anymore

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  • I dont have a surf anymore

    I dont have a surf anymore. Honestly why??? it had 2 doors and I needed 4. Unfortunately as I went to pass it on the whole house of cards crumbled with a t-belt failure and on investigation of the belt I found a busted head. Still I didnt go the route of a new head coz it just doesnt rattle my beans enough to be excited about fixing an engine Toyota screwed up even if they reckon they know how.

    Having a surf for 2 and a half years and being glued to the old and this forum most nights has been a right pain in the a$$ - nah its been great I am an addict forever and when I say addict I mean a hoor of an addiction. I cant pass a surf anywhere without craning the neck and telling anyone with me 'hey its a surf' and then them sayin 'its a wha???' The fella who bought my busted surf off me tonight went away with a list as long as his elbow of things that might help him get her back on the road.

    Anyway blabbing now so good luck to him and to everyone else who ever helped me with that surf, but am not goin to Mars so I'm still gonna hang round here if only to knock the crack out of that waster Delboy hehehehehehehehehehe

  • #2
    Originally posted by JimL
    so I'm still gonna hang round here if only to knock the crack out of that waster Delboy hehehehehehehehehehe

    Good, he needs keeping in line!

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      I'm sure you'll be back with another Yota of some sort soon enough! Probably a nice BJ40 just be make some of us jealous too.
      Hilux Surf FAQ at www.hiluxsurf.eu


      • #4
        Awh Jim - we still love ya!! Dont you dare go away!!!




        • #5
          Go awn wit ye! Feck off! I hear theres a nice volkswagon forum!
          Derek :
          1990 Hilux Surf SSR Ltd
          [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]S[/U][/COLOR][/B]ave [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]U[/U][/COLOR][/B]p [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]R[/U][/COLOR][/B]eadies [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]F[/U][/COLOR][/B]ast. Cause you're gonna need them!

