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milner off road

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  • milner off road

    I know that a lot of you have used Milners before and have made positive comments about them but I would like to share my experiences of them with you.
    I suffered a cracked head last summer and purchased a new one from Milners which was duly delivered within a couple of days. I sent it back the following day as it was damaged, no drama. Another one arrived soon after which appeared to be okay and my truck was put back together. I thought it may be a good idea at the same time to change the Rad for a new one which I also ordered from Milners. This didn't go on as all the fittings were in the wrong place so I sent it back and ended up going to the main stealer and paying full price. Upon completion I took for a spin around the block where everything appered to be ok until after a few miles it developed a high pitch squeel when the turbo kicked in. I didn't want to put this down to the turbo straight away so I set about changing all the gaskets, air pipes, egr valve etc. in case it was an air leak. Unfortunately this proved fruitless and I have just spent out over £400 on a recon of my turbo. This i thought would be the end of the matter until saturday morning when in preperation for re-fitting the turbo I drained the oil and found coolant in both the sump and oil filter. I re-fitted the turbo anyway, changed the oil, and turned her over and low and behold coolant and oil !!!!ed out what looks like the side of the head.
    I called Milners to see how my warranty stood as the head was less than a year old, assuming this is the problem, and was told to expect a call back. I subsequently got a call from the manufacturer who was passed my details without authorisation and was told that they were to organise an independent engineer to look at my car and make an assessment as to whether the manufacturer was liable. I f he found that the fault was not theirs I would have to pay his £300 call out fee. I was also told that if I did any investigation work of my own that the warranty would automatically become invalid. Thanks very much Milners. If they had not told the manufacturer I could have had a look without them knowing. Now I've had to just write off the warranty and will potentially face another large bill. Only this time it will be payable to someone else.
    Has anyone else had this sort of experience?
    Oh yeah thanks to Barry at RoughTrax who was some what more helpful!!

  • #2
    sounds like standard stuff!
    they're not gonna give refunds willy nilly to any monkey who can't work one end of a spanner from the other!... so get it independently checked and if it's all been done correctly then you've got no worries!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

