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Diesel Prices (Again)

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  • Diesel Prices (Again)

    Bear with me people we (Hayley + Me)are just a little bit p***ed of with the tax situation in this country at the moment.

    Needed some diesel today and only had a fiver in my wallet so bought £5 worth.

    Then thought how much diesel have we actually got for our money?

    Diesel £5.00 @ £0.89.9 p/l = £4.08 a gallon = 1 gallon and 1 pint (approx)

    Amount of money we had to earn to get the £5.00 in our pockets = approx £6.65 with all the TAXES + NI + Pension forked out.

    Taxes to the government on this £5.00 worth of diesel = £3.26 (@ 80% as someone has posted recently not so sure about that figure but what the heck)

    So for all our hard work earning a living (not scroungin) , earning the £5.00 (take home money) in our pockets this damn robbing government have had approx £5.27 in total and we have recieved approx £1.38 worth of Diesel.

    So just think people every £5.00 worth of Diesel you buy you are contributing £5.27 to the economy....................... ......unless you dont work.......................... ....don't it make you feel good.

    If this government get back into power come 5th May we have decided it may be time to leave the country.

    1 Time served Aeronautical Engineer (25 years experience)
    1 NHS Ward Sister (15 years experience)
    2 Young bright kids

    Seeking pastures new

    ps We ain't Tories we have no elegence to any party we are just 2 hard working parents trying to earn a living here and bring 2 young children up to the best of our ability's, realising it is getting beyond a joke in this country.
    Last edited by kazam401; 14 April 2005, 19:30.

  • #2
    last time we had a fuel protest, every one stocked up whinged for a bit then bought some more (no offence!)
    if enough diesel users ran on veggie oil for say a month,in the summer, when its warmer... then it actually costs them tax revenue...and if any one got dipped without doing the c&e paperwork they have a soapbox and press coverage thrown in for free....
    just a thought...
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by kazam401

      If this government get back into power come 5th May we have decided it may be time to leave the country.

      you and me both my friend


      • #4
        think of people like me!!...

        all i do is work, drive, drink and smoke...
        tax tax tax!!...

        it's not such a bad place to live when you look at most other counties... i can't see why people moan so much... probably cos the read the one sided newspapers and don't look into the 2 sides to every story!

        e.g. someone dies of MRSA... BUT!... they'd just been into hospital having thousands of pounds worth of healthcare for FREE!!... nobody has to buy organs on the black market/ebay!

        can't get an NHS dentist?... pull out your own teeth, than you won't be such a tight arse paying to get it done quick!

        do we walk through tons of refuse on the way to work?... no... beacase we get it collected every week!

        it goes on and on... then people wonder why they have to pay taxes!!...
        nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


        • #5
          i have 15 years as a firefighter left and i would if i wasnt now in a pension trap leave but as soon as practicable i am off to live in either france spain or portugal, when mine time is up, the taxation in this country is extortionate, the problem is you do actually if you play the game right get rewarded for being an idle to55er,
          P.S i hate blue Labour dont kid yourselves if you vote labour there is no difference in this and Tory none what so ever
          if a politition is talking its lying


          • #6
            As well as the taxes mentioned by Kazam401 I have to use my Surf for work for which I put in the diesel and then claim a mileage allowance for miles done. Guess what - I then have to pay tax on the allowance because it's seen as a benefit. Whose f***ing benefit !!! It's definately not mine.

            I am currently hoping/praying for a miracle and my current MP knocks on my door canvassing - boy is she going to get some grief.
            Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


            • #7
              Originally posted by da SLUG man
              think of people like me!!...

              all i do is work, drive, drink and smoke...
              tax tax tax!!...

              Same as a lot of people..........I feel for you

              it's not such a bad place to live when you look at most other counties... i can't see why people moan so much... probably cos the read the one sided newspapers and don't look into the 2 sides to every story!

              Two sides to every story agree but when your watching the so called impartial BBC news............every story seem to be a bad one.
              I cant remember the last time I heard an up lifting story about this country.

              e.g. someone dies of MRSA... BUT!... they'd just been into hospital having thousands of pounds worth of healthcare for FREE!!... nobody has to buy organs on the black market/ebay!

              MRSA is just a mutation of other bugs resilient to many anti-biotics through over prescription. Thousand of pounds worth of health care is why we pay our NI...........not everyone is going to need it but the £billions are taken in tax just in case you do.
              Just dont mention elderly health care..........wanna loose all you have worked hard for all you life when you get older..........fall ill or infirm and it's going to happen.

              can't get an NHS dentist?... pull out your own teeth, than you won't be such a tight arse paying to get it done quick!

              I was with my dentist from the age of 13 I missed one appointment 3 years ago at the age of 38.............I was taken off there list................it's taken me 3 years to find another that will take me on as a NHS patient (and why not NHS I pay more than enought every month)

              do we walk through tons of refuse on the way to work?... no... beacase we get it collected every week!

              We still have black bin bags littering this town, opened up by cats etc..........dont say we dont have to walk through tons of refuse

              it goes on and on... then people wonder why they have to pay taxes!!...

              I understand why we have to pay taxes but I am sick of being raped by the junta in this country...there is taxation and there is over-taxation unfortunately we live with the latter
              Last edited by kazam401; 14 April 2005, 20:26.


              • #8
                i wouldnt mind being sc###ed into the ground on tax if they actually acheived something with my money once they got it..
                can we talk about something else now please?
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Buy red! £20 a week fuels my surf!


                  • #10
                    Yes, the level of taxation !!!!es me off too. There are even odd occasions where you pay tax on your tax. There are many times that I've just wished that there was one tax, you just pay a fixed %age of your income, and no more.

                    Come the Revolution!!!

                    I was once a supporter of the current opposition party, but then I grew up and realised that they're all the same. The only reason I continue to vote is that I believe that those who don't vote give up the right to complain about how the government/council run things.
                    Paul </Slugsie>
                    Immortal.so far!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Chillitt
                      i wouldnt mind being sc###ed into the ground on tax if they actually acheived something with my money once they got it..
                      can we talk about something else now please?
                      Sorry Chillit - couldnt help myself. I tried not to reply to Kazam401's post - I mean I really tried - it's because I care. Wish I didn't but I do - the kids have just finished gnawing the Christmas turkey bones, their little clogs are worn out and the wife say's she wants whats left of the cooking oil to fry the last of the chips before I put it into the Surf. Things can only get better - I know because Tony said so. I feel for 2 Jags though - he must be really desperate, I only have one Surf I can't afford fuel for.
                      Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


                      • #12
                        Guys at work thought my Surf had broken down as i had been to work the last 2 days in pouring rain on my bike. When i pointed out cost against my bike soon realised why. Need Surf to pull horse trailer but if I can use wifes little Saxo or bike then Surf goes nowhere which is good cause then i don't have to fight for a parking space.

                        I paid 0.91 ltr for diesel in Crowborough the other day shocking and they reckon £1 ltr could be achieved!!!!!

                        Should have bought a 3ltr


                        • #13
                          with nearly 4000 members on here alone we could change the world


                          we pay taxes for imigrants, single parents, chavs, councilors and f*****g MP's

                          anyone thought of heating fuel is'nt it the same as deisel less the lubrication but can be added i'm sure.
                          Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                          • #14
                            New Labour

                            Originally posted by kazam401
                            Bear with me people we (Hayley + Me)are just a little bit p***ed of with the tax situation in this country at the moment.

                            Needed some diesel today and only had a fiver in my wallet so bought £5 worth.

                            Then thought how much diesel have we actually got for our money?

                            Diesel £5.00 @ £0.89.9 p/l = £4.08 a gallon = 1 gallon and 1 pint (approx)

                            Amount of money we had to earn to get the £5.00 in our pockets = approx £6.65 with all the TAXES + NI + Pension forked out.

                            Taxes to the government on this £5.00 worth of diesel = £3.26 (@ 80% as someone has posted recently not so sure about that figure but what the heck)

                            So for all our hard work earning a living (not scroungin) , earning the £5.00 (take home money) in our pockets this damn robbing government have had approx £5.27 in total and we have recieved approx £1.38 worth of Diesel.

                            So just think people every £5.00 worth of Diesel you buy you are contributing £5.27 to the economy....................... ......unless you dont work.......................... ....don't it make you feel good.

                            If this government get back into power come 5th May we have decided it may be time to leave the country.

                            1 Time served Aeronautical Engineer (25 years experience)
                            1 NHS Ward Sister (15 years experience)
                            2 Young bright kids

                            Seeking pastures new

                            ps We ain't Tories we have no elegence to any party we are just 2 hard working parents trying to earn a living here and bring 2 young children up to the best of our ability's, realising it is getting beyond a joke in this country.
                            So you wont be voting for New Labour then !! You are of course 100 percent correct in your emotions .. however what about the capital appreciation of your property under Tony and Gordon with their stable economy ?? Mind you this seems to be the only reason for returning them to power Maybe you should be going to Lidl (or Tesco) for some plastic bottles,(dont forget to recycle them afterwards) .. ,cause if they do get back in which this Surfer (Liberal) thinks they will,you,d better hold onto your hat ,cause the taxes will be rising very quickly afterwards .. (so says The IMF)


                            • #15
                              &quot;Things can only get better&quot;

                              Originally posted by Silversurfer
                              Sorry Chillit - couldnt help myself. I tried not to reply to Kazam401's post - I mean I really tried - it's because I care. Wish I didn't but I do - the kids have just finished gnawing the Christmas turkey bones, their little clogs are worn out and the wife say's she wants whats left of the cooking oil to fry the last of the chips before I put it into the Surf. Things can only get better - I know because Tony said so. I feel for 2 Jags though - he must be really desperate, I only have one Surf I can't afford fuel for.
                              My question is ... "Better for who ?"

