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Save Castle Combe racing circuit

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  • #16
    Good effort peeps
    Real trucks don't have spark plugs


    • #17
      This is my "Home" track - I was born in Chippenham (3 miles away) and spent my youth blagging free entry or finding ways to get in and watch. I've raced there, raised money for charity (sponsored cycle rides) there and it's been there for decades. It already has a restriction on noise and the number of events it can hold. They do some fantastic racing there and it allows people from all walks of life to have a go at competing at a motorsport which is usually extortionally expensive. I get pi$$ed off when somebody moves into the area and lodges a protest, having never realise the effects on the local economy. While the circuit isn't "Brands or Silverstone" there are local businesses which prosper when race days are on.
      I for one will be keeping a closer eye on the development of this petition.
      The alternative option is MOVE!!


      • #18
        Reminds me of Madonna...

        She bought a house near Compton Abbass airfield, a lovely private airfield near Shaftesbury in Dorset. Loads of people go there in the summer as the patio is inches from the grass runway and the views are brilliant across the hills.

        What does she do? Complains about the noise and tries to get the place shut down.

        Castle Combe is only a few miles from me, and I love the place. It is reknown as being one of the best circuits around but they are strictly limited as to how many events they can hold there. It is used for bike and car track days a lot, but they are all noise controlled.

        The locals have been trying to shut it for donkeys years and they haven't succeeded yet. Hopefully this attempt will fail too!!


        Rob G


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chillitt
          3827, its slowing down...
          4903 Castle Combe 'Vroom Vroom for ever


          • #20
            formula surf.
            it's in me shed, mate.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Snoop
              Please help save Castle Combe racing circuit!

              This is one of the best motorsport venues in the country.

              Some local helmet wants the place closed due to noise when its in use (why move next door to a racing circuit and then complain about the noise? A bit like the greenlane issue).
              The circuit was there long before this guys house.

              There is an on-line petition which will take about 5 seconds of your time:

              4955 now.

              Keep it going!!!!

              [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][I][SIZE=3]When the going gets tough - Get out !!![/SIZE][/I][/B][/FONT]

