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    Saw a Landcruiser today. Thieving scumbags had cut through the tubing of the rear spare wheel carrier, near to the hinges and removed the lot. The owner said,"That's what happens when you put a locking wheelnut on your spare."
    It's only a hobby!

  • #2
    Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
    Saw a Landcruiser today. Thieving scumbags had cut through the tubing of the rear spare wheel carrier, near to the hinges and removed the lot. The owner said,"That's what happens when you put a locking wheelnut on your spare."
    now that's funny! (um... in a feeling sorry for the bloke kinda way!)
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      The guys a maeket trader. Judging by the the cr*p he has on his stall he doesn't earn a bunch. Unless there are loads of people out there with no taste. (People watch Big Brother, I'm A Celeb Make People Notice Me, Airport...........so theres no telling).
      It's only a hobby!

