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Dodgy diesel

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  • Dodgy diesel

    Well as luck would have it the car went in this morning after this... http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/forums/sea...earchid=119395
    Turns out it was dodgy diesel after a complete fill up from empty from a local JET garage.
    Only mentioned this to the mechanic after Diesel Bob suggested running from a known fuel. He said it smelt funny and stank the entire building out from the plumes of smoke it was churrning out! What it was I dont know but he said it was melting his rubber gloves and burning his skin!
    So I know have had the full tank/lines/filter drained and have a little bit of BP diesel in, plus the cost of diagnosis.
    Anyone know where i stand legally? I have reciept of fuel and can get my recordings from the AA I assume and I have a sample of the diesel that has given me a headache....

    Still at least its not the injectors or pump!
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

  • #2
    you could try going back normally the garrages know when they have had a bad batch in as they get a lot of ppl back and might withdraw it / have the tanks drianed,

    dont know how you stand on refunds tho...


    • #3
      been back to get the name/no of the manager and the cashier said no one else has been back yet. Had to hitch a lift with my Dad on Saturday for my journey so this is costing me loads already in diesel i havent even used.
      Spoke to a friend who has a law degree who has given me some tips.
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        Originally posted by dirtydog
        been back to get the name/no of the manager and the cashier said no one else has been back yet. Had to hitch a lift with my Dad on Saturday for my journey so this is costing me loads already in diesel i havent even used.
        Spoke to a friend who has a law degree who has given me some tips.
        Cheers for the warning,
        I Use that one occasionally but will now avoid it!
        I suggest that you notify the local trading standards as the garage are'nt likely to admit to selling dodgy fuel, they may have already had complaints from other people. The cashier may well be telling the truth, no one has been back yet as they can't get there bl***y vehicle to start!!!
        Much along the lines of "did i see your surf today", would it be possible to set up a "I filled up with Dodgy Derv today" thread to warn others of contaminated fuel as this is a surprisingly common and under reported occurence.
        A positive attitude wont solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort!


        • #5
          Originally posted by dirtydog
          Well as luck would have it the car went in this morning after this... http://www.yotasurf.co.uk/forums/sea...earchid=119395
          Turns out it was dodgy diesel after a complete fill up from empty from a local JET garage.
          Only mentioned this to the mechanic after Diesel Bob suggested running from a known fuel. He said it smelt funny and stank the entire building out from the plumes of smoke it was churrning out! What it was I dont know but he said it was melting his rubber gloves and burning his skin!
          So I know have had the full tank/lines/filter drained and have a little bit of BP diesel in, plus the cost of diagnosis.
          Anyone know where i stand legally? I have reciept of fuel and can get my recordings from the AA I assume and I have a sample of the diesel that has given me a headache....

          Still at least its not the injectors or pump!

          i have had a few probs with these garages before but only when i use to use petrol, not had a car that likes there petrol so i do not use them anymore...not even for diesel....
          CHEERS JOHN................


          • #6
            Diesel, like any goods that you buy, has to be fit for the purpose that they are sold.
            Initialy, go to Office of Fair Trading with all your evidence and, I would suggest, a sample of the stuff.
            If they support your claim you would be in a strong position to get back the initial cost plus any consequential expences (repairs, alternative travel costs, etc.).
            Best of luck,


            • #7

              Ok guys some good news!
              The sample came back and was not to the BS EN 590 standard for diesel. It had traces of up to 5% Kerosene and that was 4 diesel tanker deliveries after I had a full tank in the Surf!!!
              They are going to take my sample soon and hopefully nobble the supplier to the fuel station.

              They are apparently going to try an out of court settlement which would be nice so we shall see.
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


              • #8
                Well done for percivering. Nice to make some progress with the big boys.
                It's only a hobby!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dirtydog
                  Ok guys some good news!
                  The sample came back and was not to the BS EN 590 standard for diesel. It had traces of up to 5% Kerosene and that was 4 diesel tanker deliveries after .
                  This is absolute ****e how do they get away with it??? (or think they can get away with it)
                  They will blame the suppliers of course, who would get the blame if you were pulled by C&E and tank dipped??


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kazam401
                    This is absolute ****e how do they get away with it??? (or think they can get away with it)
                    They will blame the suppliers of course, who would get the blame if you were pulled by C&E and tank dipped??
                    I know! I only found out as I had a complete tankfull of the stuff and there was literally nothing in it before I filled up. I imagine loads of others partially filled the tanks with no ill effects.
                    Thier test was after 4 more tankers had filled thier tanks, once they got wind of Trading standards and 1 complaint other than mine they apparenty had the tank drained. However I still have my sample from my Surf tank which im telling you stinks like mad and my mechanic said made his gloves melt.

                    Im dying to know what the next results will show with my fuel sample!
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11

                      I have just been informed of the results of the fuel I had in the tank, they say its not diesel, its not Kerosene either... basically its a mystery!!!
                      In the meantime I had a letter from the garage stating they will not be repairing the car following checking it but "replacing" the injectors and fuel pump regardless of whether its faulty or not!

                      They have been very good about the whole thing and plus money for a courtesy car and some money to cover my other expenses Im pleased with the result. Trading Standards have come up trumps too and been very helpful.

                      All I need to do now is get them and my mechanic to talk to sort the Surf
                      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                      • #12
                        It's nice to hear a happy ending for a change!!
                        I'm a custard donut monster


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jotto
                          It's nice to hear a happy ending for a change!!
                          Good to know there is some light at the end of the tunnel and trading standards are on the customers side. Goes to show if you stand your ground and percivere you can get a result. Hope the surf is feeling better soon.
                          BEWARE OF THE REAPER

