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Diesel Prices

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  • #31
    Ref Veg oil

    Im curious what do ya do with this veg oil just pour it in ya tank ? what are the downsides ?
    Originally posted by dirtydog
    im in
    gone up at a local Total from 84.9 (or 83.9 at total another 1/2mile away!) up to 89.9 which i filled up with today!
    Thats a silly price hike in one go!
    They dont deserve me to register for veg oil!!!


    • #32
      Simple economics

      Its really all down to demand years ago nobody used derv vehicles now we all do so derv sales rise so the greedy govmnt cash in on it if we all run our vehicles on LPG the price of that would rise as it has done over the last year
      Originally posted by marky
      Ive seen it between 85p & 90p How come PETROL is cheaper it used to be the other way round.


      • #33
        Ideal time for a fuel protest

        Elections coming up ect fuel protest at this time will rock the government me thinks what ya say SURFERS
        Originally posted by AndyLala
        can we not dictate government policy by the price of fuel, like they do in the states... This is getting out of hand...

        hasn't the price of crude gone down, over the same period...?



        • #34
          Call your nearest Labour MP

          and say: "I have just taken out a membership in the ---- Party, furthermore, I have just donated --- Sterling to their campaign fund and come the next election I will be volunteering every spare minute to work for that party or whoever has the best chance of defeating you." And don't forget to tell them why. Otherwise they just sit back and laugh at you along with the oil execs and all the rest. When the public actually gets off their butts and does something that reduces profits, then and only then will prices stop rising.
          The West is the best.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Surf Smurf
            Im curious what do ya do with this veg oil just pour it in ya tank ? what are the downsides ?
            Yes you do BUT get yourself registered with Customs FIRST - otherwise if caught they will come down on you from high.

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #36
              Diesel prices

              The Thai goverment have been subsidising diesel prices by 3 Baht (there are 73 to the pound as I write), -get this Mr Brown-, to save suffering price increases that would hurt people! However due to increases in world prices they have had to take this subsidy away this week, cost of 1 liter is 18 Baht, still less than a pound a gallon compared to the UK The locals here are'nt very happy, me? I'm in Surfers paradise.!!!!


              • #37
                Here is a link.


                Mail The Priminister,

                Or shall i say (the closest you'll get) as i wont distribute the personal address due to the fact i'd would probabily face Serious consiquences !

                Plus , It wouldn't be nice now would it ?

                I'm about to but mail him but i am being carefull how i word this it. The last thing i need right now is Menwith Hill on my back !!! Even though they probabily have been for the past 22 years !!!
                !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!


                • #38

                  Originally posted by Deviant 1
                  Well then !

                  What can i say ?

                  I'm in shock! Im Gobbsmacked! Im getting Depressed! And Angry !!!!

                  Deisel has shot up 5 pence per litre in a three week period. It is now selling at 90.9 per litre !

                  Wot's going on ??? Will it reach a £1.00 by the summer ?

                  How Much Is It In Your Area ?
                  April to June use 30 percent Lidl veg oil
                  July to Sept use 60 percent Lidl veg oil :
                  Sept to Oct (incs) use 30 percent Lidl veg oil :
                  Then .. no veg oil .. BUT .. stick something in the fuel to clean the injectors .. then .. run with pure £1 diesel till the spring again ..
                  Then .. it will be be time to start it all over again ..

                  This might help you ..


                  • #39
                    Just sent this.

                    Lets see the response from the minions!!!

                    Isn't it funny....over many years the Public have been asked to swap to other fuels than that of Petrol and look what has happened since.
                    As Diesel was classed as a better fuel option I find it ridiculous that the price has now risen past that of Petrol by approximately 4-7p depending upon the fuel company and location.

                    Yes we have had a war and other influences on the market, but I for one certainly do not believe that this would effect the cost of fuel this much.

                    The fact that most of the fuel costs are attributed to a Tax [I hear around 80 pence in the pound to the Treasury] and what do we receive as motorists?

                    1. Higher Car Tax
                    2. Public Transport, what public transport when compared to our european counterparts [Holland, Swizterland etc.]
                    3 Decaying roads with pot-holes all over the place.
                    4. Higher Costs in fuel
                    5. Congestion Charging possibly being introduced all over our Metropolitan Boroughs
                    6 Extra costs to Hauliers which in turn add higher prices at the shop-floor to enable the transportation of goods to the market place.

                    Final thoughts:
                    It does seem strange that since the fuel protest some 4-5years ago that the government has forgot the effects of their policy on fuel pricing and that diesel prices now overshadow that of Petrol.

                    The public will not put up with this for long and I forsee that rumblings of protest are abound once again in many factions.


                    • #40
                      Thought provoking ..

                      Originally posted by Gizmo
                      Lets see the response from the minions!!!

                      Isn't it funny....over many years the Public have been asked to swap to other fuels than that of Petrol and look what has happened since.
                      As Diesel was classed as a better fuel option I find it ridiculous that the price has now risen past that of Petrol by approximately 4-7p depending upon the fuel company and location.

                      Yes we have had a war and other influences on the market, but I for one certainly do not believe that this would effect the cost of fuel this much.

                      The fact that most of the fuel costs are attributed to a Tax [I hear around 80 pence in the pound to the Treasury] and what do we receive as motorists?

                      1. Higher Car Tax
                      2. Public Transport, what public transport when compared to our european counterparts [Holland, Swizterland etc.]
                      3 Decaying roads with pot-holes all over the place.
                      4. Higher Costs in fuel
                      5. Congestion Charging possibly being introduced all over our Metropolitan Boroughs
                      6 Extra costs to Hauliers which in turn add higher prices at the shop-floor to enable the transportation of goods to the market place.

                      Final thoughts:
                      It does seem strange that since the fuel protest some 4-5years ago that the government has forgot the effects of their policy on fuel pricing and that diesel prices now overshadow that of Petrol.

                      The public will not put up with this for long and I forsee that rumblings of protest are abound once again in many factions.

                      I can only say that I agree with everything you have said ..I too have watched the price of diesel creep up to be - now - in excess of that of petrol - doubtlessly a really sneaky response to the manufacturers offering more diesel options ,cause it was cheaper for the motorist .. hah !
                      Of course in one email you have defined very precisely one of the main reasons why we go to Spain for 5 months every winter - to get away from all this sxxx .. each time we come back nothing has changed - now we are losing Rover/MG after 100 years .. whilst away I talk to many Brits and they all feel the same that UK Ltd is rapidly going to the dogs (or has gone there already).
                      It,s clear that in France and Spain - 2 countries that I have experience of .. the governments view the issue of tax on diesel as a strategic one and neither would dare to ever increase it- (on the two occasions they tried in France there were riots you will recall).It is viewed as an essential component to the day to day workings of society - which of course it is.By the by,if you ever wanted an explanation as to why both countries rail and transport networks are superb when compared to here - and they are - the reasons are the same.Strategic investment and foresight over many years - not short term political opportunism - and of course they dont have "Two Jags Prescott" to contend with either.
                      On Monday I am travelling with my wife from here in the West to Epping to pick up a Micra I have purchased as a second car.She says that I can use it sometimes .. .. soooo I am thinking that I shall use Surfo in the future for travelling on the continent and in Spain during the winter only...Maybe .. .. or I may carry on going to Lidl for the little plastic bottles .. hah !


                      • #41
                        What amazes me is that the UK have to fork out £5 billion for a needless war in Iraq (which we have pay for via fuel tax!!!!) and then we can't afford to support industry like Rover with £100 million loan.

                        It defies logic.



                        • #42
                          Slight aside

                          I did notice last time in Tescos, the price of their 3 litre cartons of VegOil has come down. It's now 44p per litre. (Diesel in the garage outside is 89.9p)

                          That just about makes up for the hassle of registering with C&E... Rougly saving 20 per litre.


                          • #43
                            but what to do with all the plastic bottles i havent got?....
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #44
                              How much do you have to pay C&E for using veggie oil? I can get 20ltr cans from Costco for about £8.00 a go and wondered if it's worth it



                              • #45
                                Who said that.

                                Asda down to £1.32 for 3ltr container.
                                Still Searching,
                                Dick Whittington

