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Diesel Prices

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  • Diesel Prices

    Well then !

    What can i say ?

    I'm in shock! Im Gobbsmacked! Im getting Depressed! And Angry !!!!

    Deisel has shot up 5 pence per litre in a three week period. It is now selling at 90.9 per litre !

    Wot's going on ??? Will it reach a £1.00 by the summer ?

    How Much Is It In Your Area ?

  • #2
    can we not dictate government policy by the price of fuel, like they do in the states... This is getting out of hand...

    hasn't the price of crude gone down, over the same period...?



    • #3
      Originally posted by AndyLala
      can we not dictate government policy by the price of fuel, like they do in the states... This is getting out of hand...

      hasn't the price of crude gone down, over the same period...?

      Just this once we should take a leaf out of the French book, they have plenty of protest over fuel prices and things.

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        damn right!! Its 85.5p per litre down here, was 80.2p about 3 weeks ago................... Scumbags

        i remember a time when diesel was cheaper than unleaded.


        • #5
          Ive seen it between 85p & 90p How come PETROL is cheaper it used to be the other way round.


          • #6
            It's gone up from 84.9 to 89.9 over the weekend by me.......F***ing disgraceful!!!!
            Why don't we take a leaf out of the french book this time.....


            • #7
              IM WITH YA!


              • #8
                90.9 here yesterday


                • #9
                  I thought the usual excuse for the high price of diesel was domestic heating use during the winter so the price should be going down

                  My Pointer ate the dog trainer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by marky
                    Ive seen it between 85p & 90p How come PETROL is cheaper it used to be the other way round.
                    The government probably worked out that more and more people were buying diesel cars because they were cheaper to run and saw a new lucrative stealth tax.
                    Just another excuse to rip off the general public.



                    • #11
                      not bad for a byproduct.....
                      it's in me shed, mate.


                      • #12
                        Diesel Prices

                        Iv'e seen 91.9 at the weekend but what has been annoying me recently is the growing price difference between petrol and diesel.

                        For years diesel was around 1-2p/litre dearer than petrol nationwide. Not sure why as diesel is easier to refine, transport, store etc (it's not as volatile etc). On the continent diesel is very much cheaper. At christmas the supermarkets, led initially by ASDA, decided to reduce the cost of petrol as a loss leader (to get the punters into the stores as profits were down) but diesel pretty much stayed the same meaning a price differntial between petrol and diesel of upto 7-8p/litre. Petrol has since gone back up but so has diesel so the price differential has stayed the same (7-8p/litre). The supermarkets obviously didn't care about diesel vehicle owners as the the majority of the private vehicles (and therefore their customers) in this country have petrol engines so we are now in a situation where diesel fuel is effectively being used to subsidise the price of petrol. It seems as if all the other fuel retailers have jumped on this bandwagon as they had to reduce their petrol prices to remain competitive with the supermarkets.
                        This government doesn't give a s**t as the dearer fuel is the more they rake in without having to impose the dreaded 'Fuel Price Escalator' especially as an election is looming, (boy do I hope my MP knocks on my door canvassing).
                        Add to this the fact that diesel is more environmentally friendly then why has this situation been allowed to develop without protest.
                        It's not only the oil producers that are taking us for a ride, (they have an output limit imposed in order to drive up prices but that applies to crude oil therefore it should apply equally to all refined products pro-rata), its also this government as the more it costs the more they make in taxes it's now also the supermarkets as well and nobody is protesting.
                        Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bobafatass
                          The government probably worked out that more and more people were buying diesel cars because they were cheaper to run and saw a new lucrative stealth tax.
                          Just another excuse to rip off the general public.

                          Of course most of it is taxes but crude prices are at an all time high right now 57 bucks per barrel ( Texas light), they may drop a tad if OPEC up their output but dont hold your breath. Big demands from emerging economies like China mean that everyone in the world is producing like mad and barely holding prices of crude. trend is generally up and no signs that will change too soon.

                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bogus
                            Of course most of it is taxes but crude prices are at an all time high right now 57 bucks per barrel ( Texas light), they may drop a tad if OPEC up their output but dont hold your breath. Big demands from emerging economies like China mean that everyone in the world is producing like mad and barely holding prices of crude. trend is generally up and no signs that will change too soon.

                            If that bunch of mental pygmies that collectively calls itself the government could open its eyes and take a long look at the world it would see that removing taxation on vegtable oil it would not only help to protect the environment it would also conserve crude oil stocks and put us less at the mercy of OPEC whilst encouraging third world countries to grow oil seed crops and thereby helping the poorer economies generate income and reduce third world poverty. Instead it applies punative tax measures and encourages waste vegtable oil to be dumped because it imposes charges on companies and institutions to dispose of vegtable oil instead of allowing it to be re-cycled as diesel alternative.
                            Nil Illigitimi Carborundum


                            • #15
                              Diesel over here is now 90c/L and petrol is $1.30/L
                              I was having a yarn with one of the fireys here who has come over from Manchester and he rekons that overall you guys spend pounds like we spend dollars more or less.
                              It is still cheaper to run the oil burner than an equivilent sized petrol wagon.
                              Our "Road User Charge" ( another F***ing Tax) for light diesels is $25/1000km
                              '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd

