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So Springs & Bits DO Go Flying Out . . .

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  • So Springs & Bits DO Go Flying Out . . .

    I replace the rear shoes on my Corolla on Sunday - practice for when I do the Surf soon.

    Like a complete @rse, I had left the handbrake on while trying to pull of the drum - the shoes tried to come with it. The bottom shoe spring fell out, the 2 shoe retaining springs & caps fell out. I shat myself. I took off the handbrake (duh ) and took off the drum on the other side to compare.

    It all worked out fine. Once again, it's a difficult job till you do it once. The first (problem) wheel took 2.5 hours, the second took 15 minutes.


  • #2
    Know the feeling - had the same problem after changing handbrake cable on Corsa. Forgot to back off adjuster before attempting to put drum back on
    Ended up with a pile of clips and springs at my feet - strange how it never looks quite the same in the Haynes manual.

