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I've got shares in AA

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  • I've got shares in AA

    Or at least I should.

    Got back at 8 tonight after leaving home at 8:45 last night for a nice fortnights stay in Scotland, trying out the new trailer with the seven dogs in tow. At 4:45 this morning and only 189km to go of an 847km journey the head goes. Spent the day at service stations along the route back being transfered from low loader to low loader.

    The worst of it is last year we came back by AA cause the girl ate her rear UJ, next year I really do not want to use this fuel saving technique.

    Many thanks to Linda for Stevos information at an ungodly time in the morning. I will be getting a new head soon (Stevo you have been warned). Tony, Linda has allready offered your mechanical knowledge, Everyone will know when I take it there, just follow the trail of water up the M3.

    In the mean time trying to get the van back from the mechanic who was MOTing her whilst we were on holiday, so we can make another attempt, this time North Yorkshire, it's closer for the AA boys.

    There are days when you just hate your car, and then you just look at her and know full well that you'll do whatever it takes. Just waiting to get back to happy surfing, and need to get the bike MOTed or I'm cycling to work when I get back (10 miles 5:30 starts).
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

  • #2
    i got shares in the AA too!... different AA though!
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Glad you got home ok in the end!!




      • #4
        The man with the big truck and flashing lights seems to be part of Surf life. Hope you get sorted soon mate Dave

